Could we have a snap shot feature as in the MFB?
This would be really handy for cropping in to exact areas of which you need to fix.
This would be really handy for cropping in to exact areas of which you need to fix.
IMPORTANT Chaos License Server update January 28th 2025.
If you have not yet updated your License Server to version 6.1 or above and are unable to access your license please follow these simple instructions HERE.// generate the snapshot in RenderView renderWindowRenderCamera snapshot renderView ""; // save the image to file string $renderPanels[] = `getPanel -scriptType "renderWindowPanel"`; string $filename="/tmp/vray.snapshot.jpg"; python("import as createImageFormats"); python("formatManager = createImageFormats.ImageFormats()"); python("formatManager.pushRenderGlobalsForDesc(\"JPEG\")"); renderWindowEditor -e -writeImage $filename $renderPanels; python("formatManager.popRenderGlobals()"); // open the image in the VFB and delete the file vray vfbControl -loadimage $filename; sysFile -delete $filename;