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color management for print production, eciRGB_v2

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  • color management for print production, eciRGB_v2

    I have problems with the color management workflow in Maya 2015 and Vray 3.0 for our automotive customers:

    the eciRGB_v2 ICC profile is required for our entire color management workflow in print production. So we actually need a eciRGB_v2 profile option under the Vray texture input Gamma node. The eciRGB_v2.icc profile (the same we use in Photoshop) loaded for preview in the Vray Framebuffer seems not to work properly. It looks like a sRGB conversion in Photoshop. Maybe it's not supported, because it doesn`t really make sense, without the same profile option for the input textures. Optimally this profile can be added to every color input node in Maya (e.g. ramp texture etc.) Every workaround we checked with Vray and Photoshop color management isn`t really satisfying. eciRGB_v2 has a significant bigger colorspace than sRGB and is important for some car paint colors.

    Would be great, if you could support us.
    Thank you, Gisbert

  • #2
    This is why we added VRayTexOCIO. You can use it where you find necessary. Color correction is something best implemented in the host application and Maya 2015.5/2016 finaly did it. We don't support it yet, because it slows down the rendering with 20%... So when this gets fixed, V-Ray will support it.
    V-Ray/PhoenixFD for Maya developer

