Hi, I recently tapped into couple other renderers (mainly PRMan and Arnold) and found some VFB related features that may be useful to add. Feel free to correct me if any of these features is already available or counter intuitive or less efficient.
How you guys think about these features?
- Add an IPR button with Right-click to select which camera to IPR from. Add an option (button with drop down list or menu item) to adjust test resolution for 10%, 25%, 50%. With these two functions added, I don’t need to open Maya’s Render View window completely.
- 3D manipulation (change render camera angle) directly within VFB.
- Click in VFB to select corresponding object or material which (object’s shape node or material) is then brought up in attribute editor.
- Run VFB as an external app, so even when Maya crashed, currently rendered image is still available for saving and comparison with previously saved images.
- When doing A/B comparison wipe, user can click anywhere in the VFB to specify the dividing line without carefully pin the mouse to where the existing dividing line is. i.e. the current dividing line is snapped to user mouse click position.
- Ability to move the two points of the A/B comparison dividing line along edges of the frame to decide how the A and B-side is divided (tangent of the dividing line). For example, in a vertical swipe, if the top control point is somewhere on the top edge of the frame, user can move the other control point from default position of somewhere at the bottom edge to any position on the screen right or left edge.
How you guys think about these features?