Well, the title cheekily says it all 
The scene I mean is the one you use to showcase the VRScans
The VRScans you have done are obviously superb, and "officially" correct. Therefore a perfect comparison.
Obviously when scratch creating our own standard materials and comparing them would be void without exactly the same lighting,cam and scene setup.
Would it be possible to get that scene as a Maya scene ? (I know we can't render the scanned material but the rest of it is interesting)

The scene I mean is the one you use to showcase the VRScans
The VRScans you have done are obviously superb, and "officially" correct. Therefore a perfect comparison.
Obviously when scratch creating our own standard materials and comparing them would be void without exactly the same lighting,cam and scene setup.
Would it be possible to get that scene as a Maya scene ? (I know we can't render the scanned material but the rest of it is interesting)