I wonder if we could get some tool that works with the ObjectID/ materialID system. I know there are some scripts out there but I cant find any that do more than a couple of things. It would be nice to have them all in a single tool.
1. Assign identical or unique ID to multiple selected or all scene objects (dr_multimatte tools does this )
2. Auto Create multimattes based on these and maybe a way of visualizing this in the viewport?
3. A list similar to the lightlister but based on ids.
4. Being able to select objects based on their id's
If anyone knows of existing scripts that do this then could you list them here?
1. Assign identical or unique ID to multiple selected or all scene objects (dr_multimatte tools does this )
2. Auto Create multimattes based on these and maybe a way of visualizing this in the viewport?
3. A list similar to the lightlister but based on ids.
4. Being able to select objects based on their id's
If anyone knows of existing scripts that do this then could you list them here?
