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Tutorial or How-To for the vray materials

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  • Tutorial or How-To for the vray materials

    Hi, i'm looking for a tutorial or a pdf-manual to create an optimal vray material in modo. Thanks.

  • #2
    Hi. What do you mean optimal?


    • #3
      Try to look at 3dsMax or Maya tutorials about creation materials in Vray. The settings I think can be same as in Modo.


      • #4
        optimal for the vray renderer. i want to use a correct setup for a vray material. material -> diff tex -> bump tex -> specular tex -> reflection tex (what is the right layer for these textures)


        • #5
          As I understand, the default is VRay Material which is suitable for many purposes. You can use regular images or grayscale and set them settings which you wrote.


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	mat_optimal.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	64.4 KB
ID:	854093

            yes, that is clear. in max i can put the texture in the right slot an it works. with vray there are a lot of new layer names in modo (screenshot). I do not want to find with trail and error the right.


            • #7
              When using the V-Ray materials in modo, the texture effect names are exactly the same as the corresponding channel input
              in the material, but prefixed with a short string identifying which material they belong to.

              For example, if you want to texture the "Reflection glossiness" channel of the V-Ray material, there is a
              "vmtl Reflection glossiness" texture effect for that.

              There will be one exception for that, I will soon make the V-Ray material use the "Diffuse color" effect that modo already
              has(this will happen only when the "vmtl Diffuse color" effect is missing).
              This is needed because modo will show textures set to "diffuse color" in the OpenGL view-port, and I can't make it do that
              for our own texture effects.

              For bump, displacement, vector displacement and normal mapping, the standard modo effects are used.

              Vladimir Nedev
              Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


              • #8
                For future builds V-Ray will use the "vmtl Diffuse Color" and "Diffuse color" effects interchangeably.
                They will also get blended together, as if they are the same texture effect.

                A lot of people got confused trying to texture a V-Ray material using a "Diffuse color" effect.
                Since texture layers with the "Diffuse color" effect are shown in the OpenGL view-port, it is best
                to use those, instead of "vmtl Diffuse Color".

                Vladimir Nedev
                Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :

