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Converting .vrmat to Modo V-Ray material?
Originally posted by Monkeybrother View PostSounds great. I started on a script to convert .vrmat files into regular modo V-Ray materials, but I haven't had the time to finish it yet. This is how far I got:
It also handles textures correctly, but I didn't have a render of that. Bump maps seems to be some sort of special case though?
Vladimir NedevVantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :
My script is very much unfinished and I'll probably wait for your "official" converter if you're working on one. Right now it only supports standard textures (diffuse, reflection etc etc), since I wasn't able to export any reference to procedural textures with the .vrmat converter (in max). VRayDirt, max noise etc all get lost, so I haven't been able to convert those. "VRay color" is converted into a "constant" in modo.
We are not currently working on the importer and it might be a long while before we start. A basic importer might be relatively easy to do,
but supporting all possible textures/uvw generators/nodal connections exported from different applications (Max, Maya, etc. ) will be a much
harder task. Some of the textures from Maya/Max, we won't be able to support because of copyright.
You might have better luck importing from the vrscene format. When exporting a vrscene from 3ds Max or Maya, it is basically the same
scene V-Ray for 3ds Max uses for RT renders and V-Ray for Maya uses for production and RT renders. So whatever works in those cases
will be written in the vrscene file as well. The vrscene file stores geometry, lights, etc. and is not XML, so it may be harder to parse.
Vladimir NedevVantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :