I noticed Franks post about exporting vrscenes and it's something i've always had problems with
One is the general odd support for various things (for example in my scene it looks like if i have motion blur on then no animation for light intensity is exported, turn that off and then i see intensity written out - i can see in comparison vrscenes). This for the most part can be troubleshot, as frustrating as it is.
Yes, support has all of this.
My main issue is just constant crashing when trying to write out the files. The crash is normally "Unable to write to file, empty vrscene in parallel thread" and Nuke will just full crash out. It's not always consistent.
I have tried so many ways to wire up the VRayTranslator node, i don't think the text field always updates correctly, or is read correctly. I see crashing when trying to redirect a VolumeGrid node to a new version of a sequence of VDBs
Also i am GPU rendering but find that progressive GPU is more stable than scanline GPU by a long shot - this also includes writing out vrscene files too. I can write out a 300 frame sequence with progressive but the exact same in scanline will just randomly crash after 50 or so frames.
So my wide questions (as this forum isn't heavily trafficed) are:
- Do others have this crash when writing out? Is it limited to my setup?
- Is there any way of overriding the renderer used. If i write out a Progressive GPU can i change that to Scanline via the command line?
One is the general odd support for various things (for example in my scene it looks like if i have motion blur on then no animation for light intensity is exported, turn that off and then i see intensity written out - i can see in comparison vrscenes). This for the most part can be troubleshot, as frustrating as it is.
Yes, support has all of this.
My main issue is just constant crashing when trying to write out the files. The crash is normally "Unable to write to file, empty vrscene in parallel thread" and Nuke will just full crash out. It's not always consistent.
I have tried so many ways to wire up the VRayTranslator node, i don't think the text field always updates correctly, or is read correctly. I see crashing when trying to redirect a VolumeGrid node to a new version of a sequence of VDBs
Also i am GPU rendering but find that progressive GPU is more stable than scanline GPU by a long shot - this also includes writing out vrscene files too. I can write out a 300 frame sequence with progressive but the exact same in scanline will just randomly crash after 50 or so frames.
So my wide questions (as this forum isn't heavily trafficed) are:
- Do others have this crash when writing out? Is it limited to my setup?
- Is there any way of overriding the renderer used. If i write out a Progressive GPU can i change that to Scanline via the command line?