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keyframes are set when they shoudln't be

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  • keyframes are set when they shoudln't be


    this only happens with VRay nodes:
    when creating an expression link in anode by dragging and dropping an animation icon from one parameter onto another, a keyframe is set for some reason. This should not be the case.
    To reproduce here is an example:
    -create two VrayLightRect nodes
    -ctrl+drag the intensity parameter of one node onto the intensity parameter of the other to create an expression link
    -the receiving parameter gets the expression but also receives a key frame on the current frame which should not happen

    This is under Centos 7 with VRay 3.60.01 but I remember this in all previous builds I have used.


  • #2
    Thank you for reporting this Frank - problem is localized and will be easily fixed.
    Christophe COT
    Software Developer - Chaos


    • #3
      Great, thank you. It seems to happen in many other scenarios as well but I assume it will all have the same cause.


      • #4
        Hi Chris,
        is there an ETA on this? It's a real killer as it silently sets key frames and completely screws up the resulting animation. I have had it a few times that VRay set two keys at the same frame (quantum physic?).
        Here is another example:
        -set a key on, say, the intensity of a VRay light as frame 1
        -set another key at frame 100
        -in Nuke's viewer jump into the middle (frame 50 or something)
        -in the curve editor move one of the key frames

        The last step will cause VRay to set a key at frame 50 (or whatever frame you are on), thus holding on to the current value rather than seeing a new interpolated value based on the moves key.
        Fen deleting a key will set a key at the current frame.

        So the only way you can work with animation in VRay and get expected results is to make sure you have the viewer parked on an existing key, otherwise your animation curve will be modified.

        I'm afraid to hit render now without thoroughly checking all animation curves cause I got a few animated lights in my scene.

        P.S.: here is a classic:

        Last edited by frueter; 25-01-2018, 06:59 PM.


        • #5
          Hi Frank,

          This one is already completed and was planned to be integrated in the upcoming 3.62 release.
          If this is so critical, I can integrate it in the 3.60 stable branch as well.


          Christophe COT
          Software Developer - Chaos


          • #6
            If it's not too much trouble I'd appreciate it. I a still have a fair amount of work to complete on the current show and this bug can cause many render hours to go out the windows if you don't catch it in time.

