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Integer mask values resetting on open/close of Revit

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  • Integer mask values resetting on open/close of Revit

    I am trying to use integer masks for selective colour corrections, but the picked values (both material and render ID) keep changing every time I close and reopen Revit, which means that I have to pick the values again.

    I would have expected material and render ID's to be constant (as they are in other platforms).

    Is this expected behaviour?

    Additionally, it would be great to have the AA version of material ID available as a mask please, the non AA version produces some pretty bad edges.
    Last edited by agrieveson; 15-05-2021, 06:03 AM.
    Hardware: Intel i9 9900k - 32 GB RAM - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 & i7 10875H - 32GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

  • #2
    I have also noticed that materials with Stochastic tiling enabled appear to change their seed (although it is set to 0) whenever Revit is closed and reopened.

    I imagine this is linked to the above issue?
    Hardware: Intel i9 9900k - 32 GB RAM - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 & i7 10875H - 32GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070


    • #3
      Hey Anthony,

      I'm unable to reproduce any of these on my end. Can you first let us know your exact V-Ray for Revit version? Are you on the latest hotfix?
      Also, did you mean that the Material ID values in the Asset Editor materials are reset, or you mean the VFB mask values?
      Ana Lyubenova
      Product Manager


      • #4
        Hi Ana,

        I'm have the latest V-Ray for Revit Hotfix (version 5.10.06) installed.

        I meant that the Material ID values of the materials are reset when Revit is closed and reopened.

        The VFB mask maintains the previous values and if you pick again then new values are added to the list.

        See attached images for an example of the issue with Stochastic tiling seed appearing to reset when Revit is closed and reopened (note that there are a couple of geometry changes but none to the marble where the issue can be seen).

        Click image for larger version

Name:	1b.jpeg
Views:	140
Size:	327.6 KB
ID:	1113943Click image for larger version

Name:	1.jpg
Views:	147
Size:	569.2 KB
ID:	1113944
        Hardware: Intel i9 9900k - 32 GB RAM - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 & i7 10875H - 32GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070


        • #5

          We can't reproduce this in a simple setup, so I suspect it occurs in relation to other settings. Will you be able to send us the model plus the assets?
          Ana Lyubenova
          Product Manager

