This has happened a few times now where I use the "Export As Archive" option in Settings >> Paths & Sharing and then I go to batch render a few scenes and it doesn't work. It doesn't render any scenes and just opens the temporary file location in a file explorer window showing the v-ray scene files that I assume v-ray uses to render the scenes. Most of the time I have to restart Revit to be able to render again, and the Revit crash prompt appears when I close Revit. I'm able to reproduce this issue every time - all I have to do is select the "Export As Archive" option, select a few views to render, then initiate the batch render.
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Batch Render doesn't work when "Export As Archive" option is set.
Hi tracy_downs ,
The issue is fixed in V-Ray 5, Update 1 which was just launched. You can download it from our website. Here is a link.
AnaAna Lyubenova
Product Manager