I am working on a project that utilizes BIM360 for the first time and have run into an issue that appears to deal with Vray loading the model once I click render. After clicking Render with Vray, down on the progress bar it will say that it is "Printing: "file name" - "View in project"" and slowly tick up a couple of percentage points. If I cancel it.... it will eventually ask if I want to cancel the process and once I click yes, it will render the view. However, depending on how long I wait affects the number of elements it has loaded to render. If I let it sit, it takes over 5 min to get through that process, and 10 sec to render (draft quality). Is this typical? If so, can this be optimized? I am running Revit 2017.2.3 and Vray for Revit 3.50.02. I was previously running older versions and the wait time was a lot longer (I actually never was able to get it to load).
I can PM images to show you what is happening. Any help appreciated.
I can PM images to show you what is happening. Any help appreciated.