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Bugs frame buffer - project can´t render anything

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  • Bugs frame buffer - project can´t render anything

    I´ve been working in a Project, everything fine, but accidentally I turn on Render history in frame buffer. since then I can´t run any render action, not Render Production or Interactive Works. This is happened only in the proyject, in the same Revit sesión If I choose another Project to render everything is fine.

    Even if I just click in "Show Frame Buffer" Revit Crashes, doesn´t get any error message, but the program stop working… only I can do is Finalize via CTRL+ALT+SUP.

    I´ve made a test Project and just activating the render history the program crash.

  • #2

    Can you please let us know which is your V-Ray for Revit version, as this issue has been fixed long ago.

    Here is what you can do:
    1. Close Revit
    2. Go to the following folder on your computer: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Chaos Group\V-Ray for Revit 20**, where 20** is your Revit version. Have in mind that AppData usually is hidden so you will need to unhide it.
    3. Open the file named VRay4Revit.ini (to open it, use Notepad)
    4. At the bottom of the page you will see "[Vfb]State=....."
    5. Delete the entire row. Save the file and run Revit.

    Ana Lyubenova
    Product Manager


    • #3
      Thank you, Ana! , It´d be very helpful.

      I had to save the asset settings and so, and after making another CENTRAL file with different name, openning the new Project where settings were reset and loading the XML file with asset settings and other staff and make the new renderings! But next time I´ll do the easy way, as you told me. Thanks again.

      Best Regards,


      • #4
        Alejandro, please let us know which is your V-Ray for Revit version.
        Ana Lyubenova
        Product Manager


        • #5
          Hello Ana, my V-Ray Versión is 3.70.03 , should I go for update?


          • #6
            Hi Alejandro,

            You can update to 3.70.04, meanwhile we will investigate the issue.

            Ana Lyubenova
            Product Manager



            • #7
              This fix does not seem to work for Revit 2019.
              I have this problem happen today. I forgot to NEVER hit that 'history' button.
              I'm dead in the water here.
              The text in line #4 does not appear in my file when viewed in Notepad.
              This seems to be revit file specific, because if I open another project I don't have the render history box appearing and freezing on me.
              Is there another problem to be addressed here. This is frustrating.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	historyfrozen.jpg
Views:	384
Size:	310.8 KB
ID:	1014202


              • #8
                My bad. The VfbState has been moved to the .vprops file.
                So, here is the correct workaround:
                1. Close the project
                2. Find the .vprops file corresponding to your project (it should be located here: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Chaos Group\V-Ray for Revit 2019\Project Settings)
                3. Open the file with a text editor
                4. Find "VfbState" and delete the entire row (as indicated on the attcahed screenshot)

                Share the result with us.

                Attached Files
                Ana Lyubenova
                Product Manager


