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Displacement map

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  • Displacement map

    Hey all,

    Sorry for my question, but I used to use displacement map wih 3DS and never had this kind of bug.
    I've followed the QS07 tutorial to understand where can be my mistake. Think it was due to my object, so I try volume, wall and other but each time I've got it.
    Anyone would have a solution for me ?

    (my problem isn't the quality of the map but each face that fly away depending on my displacement value)


  • #2
    Hi Micka,

    This is a known issue we are currently working on and hopefully we will include it in our upcoming release.
    A workaround you can try is to create the sides of the hedge as separate surfaces with very small thickness (e.g. 1mm). You can control the distance between the surfaces to avoid the gap visibility.

    Ana Lyubenova
    Product Manager


    • #3
      Hi Ana,
      Hope this next release will just be an update and not a complete release to buy.
      Your idea isn't bad if I do this with 3ds Max. Or here I'm working with Revit and the idea of explode my object to achieve this is not a good way for me (imagine, I want to use displacement to make shrub... )
      But thanks. I'll wait (again )


      • #4
        I didn't mean to explode the shrub. You can create it as an in-place family composed by very thin extrusions for example. Thus, when you use the displaced material, you will avoid the gap or at least will have control over it.
        Apologies for the inconvenience that you have to wait. Currently that's the workaround I can suggest you.
        Ana Lyubenova
        Product Manager


        • #5
          Sorry for the late reply, but just getting into this forum recently;
          To pull your displacement mapped texture back to its' host/base, pull it back by using the 'shift' value, found below the multiplier value. For example, if grass is multiplied by .3 then I pull the base back down by using a 'shift' value of something like -.06 or something like that. experiment until you get a white background on the sample image in the material editor, then back off until the white goes away. after a few experiments you'll be a master at it. it's the funnest part of using vray for me so far. watch out though, as abusing the displacement variable will add to render times. be selective on when a good bump technique is more useful than a displacement value. I use displacements for items close up, then bump for farther away items.


          • #6
            This has nothing to do with your question and I'm sorry.. but how did you get that material to look grassy? I've tried multiple ways to create grass yet it ALWAYS renders flat.


            • #7
              Guys, the displacement issue is fixed in 3.50.01
              Kraig, have you tried enabling the displacement in the vrmat?
              Ana Lyubenova
              Product Manager



              • #8
                Tried and problem still here.
                Is it my bad or is there a hidden function ?


                • #9
                  Find the "Keep continuity" setting under the Displacement map settings and enable it.
                  Render and there won't be any gaps.
                  Ana Lyubenova
                  Product Manager


