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Proxy and trees revit

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  • Proxy and trees revit

    How, exactly, do I create the desired tree.vrmesh file?
    I have located the tools, but not sure how to apply them.

  • #2
    Hi Per Morten

    1. To replace an RPC with a V-Ray Proxy first you need to have a proxy, i.e. a .vrmesh file. Once you have a .vrmesh, you can either drag&drop it over the RPC you want to replace, or you can navigate to it using the file browse dialog that pops up in the RPC Proxies tab of the V-Ray Asset Browser.

    2. At that moment, we don't ship .vrmesh files yet. Therefore, you will need to convert some other files to .vrmesh using the ply2vrmesh.exe converter. For a list of all supported file formats, which can be converted to .vrmesh, visit our help page here:

    A very common format is the .obj. You can find plenty of such files online.

    3. Basically, all you need to do is to run a command prompt from the ply2vrmesh tool location, which is C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\tools.
    How to do this: open File Explorer, go to the tools folder, then click on the File Explorer address bar (the bar where you see the path written), type in "cmd" and click enter. This will run the command prompt.

    4. See the correct syntax for the command prompt on the attached image. You can simply drag&drop the .obj file in the command line. The path to it will appear automatically. Then you need to specify the .vrmesh file name. Note that if you only specify a name for the vrmesh, the output file will be saved to C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\tools; and in case you specify a path, the vrmesh will be saved there.

    5. Once you have a .vrmesh, you can drag&drop it in the V-Ray Asset Browser.

    Note that proxies don't have visual representation in the Revit viewport. Therefore, they are visible only at render time. The .vrmesh format doesn't keep information about the proxy materials, it keeps only its material IDs. Therefore, in v-Ray for Revit, the proxy appears first in colors. Then you will need to assign it V-Ray materials (which you can take either from the library or create them by yourself).

    Let me know if you need more help,
    Ana Lyubenova
    Product Manager


    • #3
      Thanks Ana. I have had a go at it, and it seems slightly complicated (does not work in other words). The way I understand it is that the vrmesh file can be used to render any RPC object in revit. In that case why can you simply supply us with a vrmesh file, or did i miss the point completely?


      • #4
        the vrmesh file can be used to render any RPC object in revit
        Revit doesn't let us import free standing geometry in its environment. Therefore, we use RPCs as stand-ins for proxies. I.e. RPCs are overridden with vrmeshes at render time.
        Yes, we are working on a way to provide our users with vrmeshes.

        slightly complicated (does not work in other words)
        A screenshot or a description how it does not work would be helpful, so that I can guide you through the process of making it work.

        Ana Lyubenova
        Product Manager


        • #5
          This is as far as i get..I assume powershell and cmd is thes ame thing right?
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I have tried to convert an .obj tree and it is saying cannot create file. What am I doing wrong?


            Click image for larger version

Name:	Error.jpg
Views:	3229
Size:	384.2 KB
ID:	993429
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Hi segerarch ,

              Try with the following syntax:
              C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\tools>ply2vrmesh "G:\My Drive\Library\Trees\Tree-01\trees.obj" "G:\My Drive\Library\Trees\Tree-01\Tree.vrmesh"

              This will save the vrmesh to the same location where the obj is saved.

              Ana Lyubenova
              Product Manager



              • #8
                Thank you Ana, this worked!


                • #9
                  Happy to hear it! : )
                  Ana Lyubenova
                  Product Manager



                  • #10
                    What I did is export a .vrmesh from max, and exported the material as well, into the .vrmat format.
                    The material is a multi material, with different materials for different IDs. As in Max.
                    In Revit, when I input the vraymesh, i can then assign the material.
                    The problem is that I have to assign the material per ID.
                    I did export the Vrmat separately for each ID channel, and then assign them inside Revit and it technically works.
                    But it is obviously a very slow workflow when you have objects with more IDs, times the numbers of objects you need...

                    Is there plans to implement a multimat possibility in Revit that would make possible to get the multimat from the material instead of reassign them manually ?

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	2019-06-26 10_46_15-V-Ray Asset Browser.png
Views:	3035
Size:	5.5 KB
ID:	1040485


                    • #11
                      Yes, there are such plans and we are working on them.
                      Ana Lyubenova
                      Product Manager



                      • #12
                        Hi Ana,

                        I´ve tried what you have already explained but the ply2vrmesh doesn´t work. It seems like it tries to run but the window doesn´t appear. I´ve tried in other computer but it fails too. Do you know what can I do?


                        Itziar Garcés


                        • #13
                          Hi Itziar,

                          You need to open a comand prompt. The described behavior appears only if you double click on the ply2vrmesh.exe.
                          See attached screenshots for reference.
                          Ana Lyubenova
                          Product Manager



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ana Lyubenova View Post
                            Hi Itziar,

                            You need to open a comand prompt. The described behavior appears only if you double click on the ply2vrmesh.exe.
                            See attached screenshots for reference.
                            Thanks Ana! That works! Now I have an other problem. I attach an image with the error.

                            Thanks in advanced.

                            Itziar Garcés
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Try the following syntax and let me know. It's the output file location.
                              C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\tools>ply2vrmesh "C:\Users\espaciobim06\Desktop\Arboles\Gotessons_A rteca-Palm.obj" "C:\Users\espaciobim06\Desktop\Arboles\Tree.vrmesh "
                              Ana Lyubenova
                              Product Manager


