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V-Ray Next for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

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  • V-Ray Next for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

    V-Ray Next for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

    It can be download here:

    After installation, you will find more detailed info about the changes in the 'VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes' and the 'changelog' files:
    .\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes.html
    .\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\changelog.txt

    Best regards,

  • #2
    Installation & Licensing

    • The Chaos Group License Server is updated to version 5.2.2
    • The installer now properly sets and displays a primary remote server IP address and port number -
    Workflow Improvements

    • The entire asset management system is optimized and made more reliable. This affects asset creation, renaming, deletion, referencing, etc. The optimizations are most obvious in heavy scenes with big number of assets and complex shading networks
    • Render element assets are no longer deleted when the category is active and the Purge function is used. Use the multi-selection functionality to quickly delete a batch of elements
    • The Z Depth render element ‘Depth from Camera’ parameter is removed
    • The viewport display of various reflective V-Ray materials is improved. High fresnel IOR values in V-Ray now result in metallic materials in the viewport. Additionally, the reflection amount of all V-Ray shaders is also more accurately represented
    Other Changes & Bug Fixes

    • Saving and loading projects no longer resets the Color Space of all textures to the default sRGB option. Using the File Path Editor no longer changes the color space either
    • The asset preview render process can now be restarted if it stops responding. Make sure to stop and restart the interactive preview (using its toolbar stop/start button) in the unlikely event this happens
    • The fresnel opacity of newly created Reflection material layers is now correctly displayed in the asset preview swatch
    • Invalid material or texture references can now be successfully cleared from the context menu of the slots they occupy
    • An issue with Water texture used in a bump slot is resolved. Negative texture values are now properly handled
    • All V-Ray taskbar processes are grouped and displayed under the Rhinoceros Windows taskbar icon. This applies to the Asset Editor and the V-Ray Frame Buffer window
    • VRscan materials now display additional Texture Placement parameters in their Asset Editor properties panel. Use them to manipulate the size, scale and rotation of the material pattern
    • The way VFB Color Corrections are saved within Rhino projects is updated and made more reliable
    • Clearing the viewport texture of a V-Ray material now reliably updates the viewport material display
    • A number of issues related to loading scenes with corrupted V-Ray data are resolved
    • A number of issues related to copy and pasting objects between projects are resolved
    • A number of issues related to deleting objects are resolved
    • Overriding proxy meshes now correctly updates the materials associated with the resulting reference
    • Worksession files are correctly rendered in the current project. Note that the WIP worksession rendering workflow will be improved in the future
    • Resolved an issue caused by exiting Rhino while the GPU device list has been requested but not yet acquired
    • Physical Camera vignetting is by default disabled in V-Ray for Grasshopper Camera component
    • Changing Rhino texture mapping during Interactive Rendering no longer produces an incorrect result
    • The VRaySetMtlID command now functions correctly. The V-Ray tools ‘Randomize Material ID Colors’ and ‘Set Material ID Colors to Black’ can now be successfully applied
    • The Z Depth render element tooltips are fixed
    • All Smoke texture parameters are now properly named
    • The migration (gamma management) of render elements from scenes saved with V-Ray 3 is improved


    • #3
      I'm positive surprised - it looks like the denoiser works through glass now. Did I have seen right? ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        The option to denoise render elements (including the Refraction channel) was added in v4.00.01.
        • Denoised Render Elements. Denoise individual render elements for added control in compositing. Enable the Denoise checkbox for any element to take advantage of the feature
        Kind regards,
        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


        • #5
          Ah, I better understand now, not the whole beauty pass is direct denoised and per default denoising of the refraction channel wasn't enabled and I enabled it incidental.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Peter.Chaushev I checked my scene now and I don't found the option where the denoising is enabled for refraction. So, I don't know why I got it at this project file. At the render element list is no refraction channel with enabled denoiser. Looks like I don't understand how to enable it.
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              I have misunderstood your initial post.
              The difference you have mentioned may be due to changing the glass refraction's Affect channels parameter to "All Channels" instead of "Color Only".
              What I referred to in my previous post was the new ability to selectively denoise render elements.
              Will be able to provide you with a definitive answer if you can provide render output files for comparison and/oras a sample scene.

              Kind regards,
              Peter Chaushev
              V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


              • #8
                Could it not be the best if "all channels" is enabled per default instead the user need to switch to the advanced UI mode and to look for the option? Could be good for beginners too, since the denoiser should denoise the whole image.
       ... visualization for designer and architects


                • #9
                  Peter.Chaushev Today I did some more tests and I found, no options need to be switched for denoising glass. Only a fresh created, refraction based glass material was needed and it was denoised.

                  So, the undenoised glass at my VfR2 scenes was caused by an other issue.I suppose so it's caused by a problem I'm discussing with Georgi per email at the moment. It looks like if opacity below 1 is used than the seen area behind will not be denoised. At my VfR2 scenes I used an opacity based glass, which was very fast calculated at VfR2, but it is noisy at VfR4.

                  The problem is, that every transparency mapped object will be handled like glass with IOR1, but it will be not denoised. Also if the mapped transparency is 100% transparent, the denoiser will not work. I hope this can be fixed.
         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Micha View Post
                    Could it not be the best if "all channels" is enabled per default instead the user need to switch to the advanced UI mode and to look for the option? Could be good for beginners too, since the denoiser should denoise the whole image.
                    This is an advanced workflow material parameter, there is no plan to change its place in the asset layout. Regarding the default "Affect channels" value, a decision was reached to leave the option in V-Ray Next set to "Colors" (see

                    I was informed by Georgi from the Support team that the problem with transparent (not refractive) materials in your scene stems from the way the geometry is set up (overlapping surfaces).
                    Regarding the denoising of refractive materials, having their refraction set to affect all channels will produce better results as demonstrated below.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	refraction_affect_channels_effect_on_denoising.jpg
Views:	503
Size:	37.9 KB
ID:	1038483
                    (note that the denoise effect is exaggerated for this demonstration)

                    Kind regards,
                    Peter Chaushev
                    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Peter.Chaushev View Post
                      I was informed by Georgi from the Support team that the problem with transparent (not refractive) materials in your scene stems from the way the geometry is set up (overlapping surfaces).
                      I create a new simplified, better test scene with large offset and found the problem was caused by an old VfR2 material which wasn't denoised, but a fresh created VfR4 did it. Maybe this can be internal fixed and all VfR2 will work in the future too. (I have so much old projects that it would be a big help.)
             ... visualization for designer and architects

