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V-Ray 5 for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

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  • V-Ray 5 for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

    V-Ray 5 for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

    It can be download here:

    After installation, you will find more detailed info about the changes in the 'VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes' and the 'changelog' files:
    .\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes.html
    .\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\changelog.txt


  • #2
    V-Ray Vision
    • Pen tablets can now be used for navigation in Vision
    • Vision can now be interacted with fully through a remote connection
    • An issue with loading 16-bit .tiff textures is resolved
    Material Library
    • Custom location for assets library can now be specified. Set the path in the ‘Asset Editor / Advanced Settings / Configuration / Remote Assets / Download Location’. Rhino restart is required for the new location to be used. Releasing the V-Ray license can be used as an alternative
    • The initial assets update check can now be disabled using the ‘Asset Editor / Advanced Settings / Configuration / Remote Assets / Check for Updates’ checkbox. The setting remains disabled even between sessions, until manually toggled or until V-Ray is reinstalled. It is recommended that Check for Updates is disabled in case a network location is selected for the assets
    • A correct message now appears in case lack of permissions is preventing the library from being downloaded or updated
    • A warning icon no longer appears on the left of the ‘Materials’ library entry when the library folder does not exist on disk
    • The default ‘Materials’ library is now automatically expanded to reveal its subfolders on initial load. The user-defined state persists between sessions from then on
    • A number of issues caused by non-latin characters in the library path are resolved
    Light Gen
    • The custom assets library location specified in ‘Asset Editor / Advanced Settings / Configuration / Remote Assets / Download Location’ is also used for Light Gen assets
    • Disabling the ‘Asset Editor / Advanced Settings / Configuration / Remote Assets / Check for Updates’ checkbox also affects Light Gen. It is recommended that Check for Updates is disabled in case a network location is selected for the assets
    • A correct message now appears when lack of permissions is preventing the HDR environments from being downloaded or updated
    Light Mix
    • IES light adjustments can now be applied to the project. Note that the ‘To Scene’ function only works when the Group Instances Light Mix mode is used
    • Implemented Contours support. Toon Override materials loaded from the Rhino project or vrmat files can now be rendered in Grasshopper. A global contours option will be introduced in a later update
    • Added a context-menu option to quickly set numeric values to V-Ray components’ color parameters
    Other Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Notifications
      • V-Ray Version Notifier implemented. It uses the native operating system notification system to give you information when a new V-Ray update is available
      • A way for disabling the update notifications implemented. To do it disable the ‘Asset Editor / Advanced Settings / Configuration / Update Notifications’ checkbox
    • Migrations
      • V-Ray Next scenes saved with CUDA or RTX engine selected or the interactive rendering mode enabled are no longer loaded incorrectly in V-Ray 5
    • Asset Editor
      • The ‘Select Objects in Scene’ function can now be performed with multiple assets selected
      • ‘Data Window’ dropdown menu added to the exr output Image Options. It determines the way the VFB render region selection is handled when an output image is automatically saved
      • The lower limit of the Temperature slider in the Color Picker is changed to 900 to better reflect the starting point at which solid bodies begin emitting visible light
      • An issue preventing the Volumetric Environment settings to be reverted is resolved
      • The advanced camera Shutter Speed parameter value can no longer go below 0
      • An issue caused by quickly adding slots to the Multi-Sub texture is resolved
      • A speed optimization is done for the Material Preview Swatch in case Contour attributes are not used in the selected material
      • The Asset Editor no longer appears blank or empty when opening specific scenes
    • Integration
      • The ‘Select Objects in Scene’ function can now be performed with multiple materials selected
      • Animated two-point perspective camera no longer mismatches the Rhino view
      • Fixed issue with camera updates during interactive rendering when a fixed focus distance is adjusted
      • An issue preventing images from being saved when the output file path contains non-standard characters is resolved
      • A number of issues caused by OS user name containing non-latin characters are resolved
      • Enabling material’s ‘Can be overridden’ option during interactive rendering no longer leads to a crash
      • Scene upgrade message once again correctly appears when opening projects saved with V-Ray 4.2
      • Proxy bounding box calculation is optimized. This results in faster proxy preview objects creation in both Rhino and Grasshopper
      • Rhino no longer crashes when a Bitmap texture creation is canceled before a valid file path is selected
      • Separate V-Ray Vision instances can be started for multiple Rhino instances
      • Clippers loaded in a worksession file no longer cause Rhino to hang
      • Adding or removing an attribute during interactive rendering no longer turns black
    • V-Ray Core
      • Custom operating system display scale no longer causes the VFB to appear outside of the monitor bounds in some situations

