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V-Ray 5 for Rhino, update 1.1 is now available!

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  • V-Ray 5 for Rhino, update 1.1 is now available!

    V-Ray 5 for Rhino, update 1.1 is now available!

    It can be download here:

    After installation, you will find more detailed info about the changes in the 'VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes' and the 'changelog' files:
    .\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes.html
    .\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\changelog.txt


  • #2
    V-Ray Vision
    • The Vision window is once again parented to the host application (Windows only). The temporary workaround positioning the window on top of all other windows (always on top) is removed
    • A regression preventing V-Ray Proxy Scene references from being loaded in Vision is fixed
    • Rotating a Proxy Mesh or a Cosmos Asset using a scale different than 1 no longer distorts the object
    • Very small Proxy Mesh scaling factors no longer cause the mesh to appear incorrectly in Vision
    • MacOS: Vision can now be used on macOS 10.14 - Mojave or earlier
    • The Tone-mapping Curve option state now persists between sessions
    • Navigation controls now work as expected when running Vision through remote desktop
    • Scene loading progress bar implemented
    • Deleting an object in a heavy scene no longer takes excessive time
    • Geometry scene data loading is optimized making heavy scenes faster to load and view in Vision
    • The Proxy Mesh LOD system no longer causes issues when a layered material is used. This improves Vision compatibility with some 3rd-party assets
    • The FreeImage library used for loading textures in Vision is replaced with OpenImageIO
    • The texture mip-map level variations creation is optimized making it faster to load scenes with many large textures
    • Textures containing built-in mip-maps are now loaded in a more optimal way. This applies to textures from the built-in material library and Cosmos
    • A number of issues related to .tx texture loading are resolved. Textures will no longer appear vertically flipped or with a black band at the bottom
    • The Orbit Navigation mode is improved in various ways. The Vision window size is taken into account when zooming, orbiting and panning to ensure consistency when resizing the app window
    • A number of issues causing an incorrect spherical panorama output are resolved
    Cosmos Integration
    • Asset download progress indication implemented. See the Asset Editor section for details
    • Asset upgrade function implemented. See the Asset Editor section for details
    • A number of Cosmos asset issues in Vision are resolved. See the vision section for details
    Other Improvements & Bug Fixes
    • Installation
      • Chaos License Server updated to version 5.5.3
      • Chaos Cloud client application updated to version 1.10.0
      • Cosmos client application updated to version 2021.03.15
    • Asset Editor
      • Cosmos assets Upgrade function implemented. An Upgrade icon appears on the right of the asset name in the outliner when a new version is available on the Cosmos servers. Use it to download the new version and replace the outdated one in the scene
      • Cosmos asset status indicator implemented. A small icon appears on the right side of the asset properties header to indicate whether the paths to the textures and other external reference files used by the asset are valid. Hover over the icon for more detailed information
      • Cosmos asset download progress is now displayed in the outliner. The progress percentage appears while an asset is being downloaded or upgraded
      • Custom camera type user interface implemented. When a non-standard camera type is selected with a script the appropriate UI controls (like FOV and Height) are listed in the Camera settings rollout
      • Camera clipping user interface implemented. When the camera clipping is enabled with a script the appropriate UI controls (Clipping Near, Clipping Far) are listed in the Camera settings rollout
      • Renaming an environment Bitmap texture no longer changes its Texture Placement mapping to spherical
      • An issue preventing VRScan material parameters from being set correctly on load is resolved. Properties like the Coat IOR are derived from the built-in VRScan parameter block and set as soon as the material file is loaded
      • Double-clicking on a Light Gen swatch no longer creates two LIGHT_GEN_DOME lights in the project
    • Integration
      • 3D Preview for Proxy Mesh, Scene and Cosmos assets placement implemented. Importing a Cosmos asset (or a proxy) activates the placement tool and attaches the preview to the mouse cursor
      • Image preview is now displayed when a Cosmos asset is dragged over the Rhino window
      • The Cloud Batch rendering feature is re-enabled. Use the Cloud button in the V-Ray Batch Window to submit a selection of scenes, views and snapshots together as a batch to the Chaos Cloud. A new web wizard guides through the rest of the process. All the scenes are analysed in advance and potential issues are reported
      • The VFB state is preserved when the Current Renderer engine in Rhino changes
      • Cosmos assets not containing light sources no longer appear in the VFB’s Light Mix list
      • An issue with the WCS (box style) texture mapping used in the Rhino materials is resolved. Scenes containing textures mapped this way no longer crash on render
      • The custom orientation of the Rhino Document Sun in the Asset editor is now synchronized with the manual Sun control in Rhino
      • The ‘Ctrl + [‘ and ‘Ctrl + ]‘ can now be used by default to toggle the side panels of the V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB). The VFB is now consistent with the Asset Editor in this regard
      • A number of issues with face material assignment combined with default or unnamed materials in Rhino 6 are resolved. The custom material no longer overrides the unnamed ones when rendered or when the object is exported as a Proxy Mesh
      • Sun animation from Grasshopper can once again be rendered in the Rhino project
      • Duplicating a Plane Clipper in the Asset Editor now makes a copy in Rhino
      • An issue causing some Cosmos asset materials to be duplicated after Merge is resolved
      • Assigning a Python list object to a V-Ray array parameter using the Python syntax no longer leads to a crash
      • Newly created Infinite Plane, Proxies, Cosmos Assets and Lights are now correctly added to the active Rhino layer (instead of the first one in the layers list)
      • The Rhino document no longer gets flagged as ‘modified’ after a Save, SaveAs, New, Export or AutoSave command is used
      • The ongoing viewport rendering process (VPR) is now correctly interrupted when the current renderer is changed in Rhino
      • Importing the ‘rhVRay’ module into ‘RhinoPython’ no longer requires manually adding the V-Ray for Rhino installation directory to Rhino Pyhton's search directories
      • Photon mapped caustics from the Sun no longer render incorrectly in specific situations
      • Pack Project is no longer allowed before a modified document is saved
      • Deleting a material applied to a Fur or Clipper from the Rhino’s material list during interactive rendering no longer leads to a crash
      • Materials assigned to individual faces are no longer deleted by the V-Ray Purge function
      • Custom camera types (spherical, cylindrical, fish-eye, pinhole, etc.) can now be selected via script. The corresponding camera parameters are automatically displayed in the Asset Editor / Camera rollout
      • Custom camera clipping can be enabled via script. The near and far clipping plane options are automatically displayed in the Asset Editor / Camera rollout
      • Materials assigned to a Proxy Mesh, Clipper, Fur, etc. are no longer duplicated when imported or pasted in a project containing materials with the same name
      • An error is automatically displayed (in the V-Ray Progress window) when a render is initiated and no render node license is available
      • Cosmos assets can now be used with Rhino Nature
      • An issue preventing Cryptomatte’s Material Name masks from being populated in the rendered image is resolved
      • Lighting Analysis render element changes are now automatically updated in the VFB
      • Instanced lights are now presented with unique names in the Light Mix UI (when the Individual Lights mode is used). This avoids issues when the Light Mix adjustments are sent To Composite
    • V-Ray Core
      • An issue causing a crash when a V-Ray Clipper is cutting specific mesh shapes is resolved
      • The way Sphere Light scale transformations affect the light intensity (in the Luminous and Radiant Power modes) is updated. Scaling up a light makes its dimmer to ensure the combined light emission from the surface remains constant. Note that old scenes with scaled Sphere Lights might render differently

