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V-Ray 6 for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

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  • V-Ray 6 for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

    V-Ray 6 for Rhino, hotfix 1 is now available!

    It can be download here:

    After installation, you will find more detailed info about the changes in the 'VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes' file:
    %PROGRAMFILES%\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\VRayForRhinoReleaseNotes.html


  • #2
    Improvements and bugfixes
    • Chaos Cloud is updated to its latest version
    • The normal maps Intensity parameter of Enscape materials is now respected when they are rendered in V-Ray
    • The Dynamic Clouds option can now be toggled during interactive rendering
    • The Transfer Function of Enscape materials' Reflection Roughness map is now correctly set to None
    • The V-Ray installer no longer copies plugin files for Rhino versions not selected for installation
    • An issue related to Enscape materials with commas in their names is resolved
    • An issue preventing the import of Cosmos assets right after updating the Cosmos Browser is resolved
    • The Batch Render tool now contains an intuitive ‘Add Current Model’ button as an alternative to the already-existing context menu action
    • Deleted Enmesh assets no longer remain in the object properties’ Enmesh modifier dropdown list
    • A new way for ordering assets in the outliner is implemented. The new default method orders items based on their type first and only then alphabetically. This avoids mixing assets of different types and improves the project organization in some situations. There is a new configuration option that controls this behavior - Advanced Settings / Configuration / Order Assets
    • An issue preventing shadow catcher materials set up using the Wrapper shader and its Matte option from being rendered with V-Ray GPU is resolved. Note that such materials saved with the beta or initial V-Ray 6 versions have to be re-created for the issue to be resolved
    • Saving and loading .lighset profiles in Light Gen is once again possible
    • The logic that orders tags in the outliner based on their names is improved. Tags using the same base name plus a number suffix are now ordered more intuitively
    • Asset and tag names are no longer spell-checked during editing
    • Creating an Asset tag now automatically selects the tag name for editing
    • An issue preventing specific library assets from being imported to the scene using drag and drop is resolved
    • An issue preventing Light Gen from working correctly after a manual modification to the Cosmos download folder is resolved. Note that under no circumstances should the user alter the contents of this folder
    • Copying colors by drag and dropping one color slot into another no longer produces an imprecise result
    • Procedural clouds support is implemented
    • Clouds animation support is implemented
    • A cap of 60 frames per second is reintroduced to Vision’s frame rate

