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V-Ray for Rhino 3.40.03 now available!

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  • V-Ray for Rhino 3.40.03 now available!

    A new hotpatch has been released for V-Ray for Rhino and is available for immediate download from here.
    This hotpatch is a free download for all existing V-Ray for Rhino 3.x customers.

    Improvements & Bug fixes

    Fixed - Material conflict windows do not recognize the "Apply all" option when open a file with linked block
    Fixed - Difference in bucket tone while using SWARM and mesh lights
    Fixed - Imported block renders despite being in a hidden layer

    Installation & Licensing

    The SWARM installer has been updated to version 1.4.1
    Brian Russell
    Business Line Manager V-Ray for Revit

  • #2
    Today installed. A lot (old) problems. Not ready for production use. Deinstalled. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Can you give us more information about your statement.
      For example what are the most important bugs that needs to be addressed in order to be production ready?

      Thank you very much in advance.
      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
      Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


      • #4
        Hi Svetlozar,
        I don't want to hijack Micha's thread but for my part it's the window parenting problems.
        Some keeps going on top of all other (even from other programs), some appears behind others... When I'm working a day entirely in V-Ray it's getting very annoying and it can lead to errors and crashes.
        Also, I dislike the color picker a lot!




        • #5
          Here some bugs - several times reported (copy from an email to Fer some weeks before):
          (also three months before reported here
          (there are a lot more bugs I'm tiered to repeat the reports like a mantra -

          * WINDOWS taskbar shows 4 tabs for one Rhino session (should be first priority to fix)
          * if I start a Rhino command like deleting Rhino layers than the Rhino popup window is hidden behind the Vray windows (Marc better described it)
          * LC pass not full working, usage jumps up and down (approx. 50%, very old bug, should be first priority to fix)

          * texture map UI - "cancel" button missing and "back" should be named "ok" or something like this
          * alpha output channel missing (for disabling and enabling)
          * I looked at my GI env map options, doesn't change anything, press "back" and my CPU is running at 50% and never stops
          (also starts to run in other situations if VfR 3 is used and never stops)
          * "purge unused materials" security request like "are you sure?" is missing (the button could be pressed by a mistake)
          * custom output resolutions can't be easy typed in, a way to disable the current ratio is needed (f.ex. I can't direct type 2000x2100)

          Svetlozar, please belief me, VfR has a very big quality problem since a long time. There is much more developing power needed to leave the beta state of this software. Also since the beta user team is ignored so often I observe a death of your power beta team community. I'm not sure what is going on, but I never had a software with so much bugs for a so long time. Never I have seen a beta is released as final version. VfR3 has a nice feature list, but the bug list is long also. For UI decisions the developer should more trust the suggestions of the users. We need a big step forward to get the plugin at pro level.

          I'm at the point to gave up and wait some years until other users are falling in all the bugs and reported it again. But at this way we all lost. I wished Chaosgroup would see that happy users are the way to win, not long feature lists at nice advertisements pages only.

          At the beginning of VfR there was a good time with developer Joe. He take the bug reports and suggestions and implement changes very quick. The plugin was rock solid!!! Than we had some years of no real development, it was frustrating, no progress all the time, but VfR was extreme stable. (Big thank to Joe.) No we have some progress on the feature list, but bugs, missing basic features and usability of the UI avoid a pro use. I'm fighting for VfR because I'm a full time pro user of VfR. I use VfR2 daily for real big projects. It's not a toy for me, it's the base of my viz service. I want leave Rhino since my clients like to work with Rhino NURBS data. I don't know how I can find the right words to describe that we have a big problem to solve. Sorry for my bad english. I'm desperate how I should I do my work in the future if the heart of my tools is sick.

          PS: Marc, thank you to hijack my thread.

          Last edited by Micha; 12-08-2017, 01:37 AM.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Thank you very much for the very detailed feedback.
            I'll make sure it reaches the right person here at Chaos Group, hopefully that would help us to find the right direction for future development of the product.

            From quick chat with our QA guy for Rhino I understood lots of these bugs are already fixed.
            I'll ask him to shed some light about what's fixed and what's not, and what else could be improved for the future.

            Thank you very much again for sharing how the things looks like from your side of view, it is extremely valuable feedback for us.
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


            • #7
              Hi all,

              Great discussion here. I generally agree with Micha... though I still use the latest build daily.

              I should think/hope that at the very least we should receive some sort of immediate hotfix to resolve the window parenting issue. This is almost an unbearable issue that causes inexplicable pain when working with Vray + Rhino.

              That's all I ask for now...! Please, please get this fixed asap!


              • #8
                I really rarely write here, because I'm just not the kind of forum poster. But I would like to make a statement here as well and to support Micha in his ambitions. I also would like to express the need to make vray stable and usable for professionals.


                • #9
                  Thank you guys. Some times I think about to give up. Your posts help m to keep on.
         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10

                    Really disappointing that someone from ChaosGroup hasn't responded to this in a week. I cannot stress enough the importance of my last post about fixing the window parenting issue immediately. This is an absolute dealbreaker.

                    Come on guys...


                    • #11
                      Hi Guys
                      I receive the same Micha list by email and answered him by email, but forgot to add reply here.

                      * LC pass not full working, usage jumps up and down (approx. 50%, very old bug, should be first priority to fix)
                      - We are looking at this issue. It is in our current sprint. We are also looking to the issue where LC seem to be calculating way faster in V2.

                      * texture map UI - "cancel" button missing and "back" should be named "ok" or something like this
                      - Adding extra button for Cancel/Confirm functionality is not on the plan. If we have to way to press cancel to commit the even we are going to lose the interactivity between the texture map and RT. The reason why we called the texture editor back is because it is like if you are one level inside the material editor. You could also have another map inside one map and that means that you are two level inside the material editor. In the lower part of the UI you will see couples dots letting you know how many levels depth you are in that particular material. Texture UI is currently being optimized and reorganized. It will be way easier to work with textures in the next release. Therefore, I will notify the developers of your suggestion about the naming of the option.

                      * alpha output channel missing (for disabling and enabling)
                      - We are going to have more option at the time of saving the render that allows you to either save the alpha or not save the alpha with the image.

                      * I looked at my GI env map options, doesn't change anything, press "back" and my CPU is running at 50% and never stops (also starts to run in other situations if VfR 3 is used and never stops)
                      - I could see the mentioned behavior, but after a short time the CPU go back to normal in my test. I'm using Windows 10. Therefore, we have a bug report for this, so the developers could take a look to the issue. Note. After my replied to Micha I test this issue in the current internal build and I'm not able to reproduce it anymore.

                      * WINDOWS taskbar shows 4 tabs for one Rhino session (screenshot, should be first priority to fix)
                      - This is expected behavior as each V-Ray window is a separate process (Asset Editor, VFB, progress window, etc.) They should not consume a lot of the CPU, we are looking at that issue as I mentioned above.

                      * if I start a Rhino command like deleting Rhino layers than the Rhino popup window is hidden behind the Vray windows
                      - V-Ray's windows behavior is being improved and should not be cumbersome in the next update.

                      * "purge unused materials" security request like "are you sure?" is missing (the button could be pressed by a mistake)
                      - I think this is a good idea as a safety measures not only for purge, but also for delete materials. I have shared the suggestion with the team, but we don't have a final decision yet. I think it is very possible.

                      * at the bump texture option is shown a blue "texture" - Why not show here "noise" if noise is used? Two times texture in one line looks bad.
                      - In V-Ray 3.40.03 we show the name of the texture that we are using (see attached image)

                      * custom output resolutions can't be easy typed in, a way to disable the current ratio is needed (f.ex. I can't direct type 2000x2100)
                      - In the custom resolution option you can type any Aspect Ratio. Then you could enter any resolution that you want and V-Ray will respect the aspect ratio. In V3 the aspect ration could be set using any resolution. (Image attached). However, we think that there room to improve in that area.

                      * For animations - is there a way to save the denoised channel only, not the RGB channel and all the other channels? (Not tested here, but I afraid all the unneeded channels are saved too.)
                      - We need some of the channels to calculate the denoiser, So it will be very hard to remove all of them. Therefore, we already improved the denoiser. In the next version of V-Ray for Rhino we are going to have a new channel called effectResult that will contain the denoiser and you will be able to apply any effect like if it were the RGB channel. You will be able to use lens effect and add color correction to the denoiser. This channel will be idea for the animation. After the render done this is the channel that we use by default.

                      * stamp is reset to nothing if a new render is started
                      - This issue is fixed in the current internal build.

                      * Why are the guys so slow? Some of the bugs makes that VfR 3 can't be used for production. I believe we had accomplish a great and big tasks with V-Ray 3.4 for Rhino. V-Ray for Rhino was written from ground up with new interface and lot of new features. Yes, we have bugs and we are going to fixed them. Unfortunately, we need to prioritize all of the bugs/features request that we have in order to meet our clients need. Some time we have to make difficult decision, but I want you to know that we are working hard to fix all the issues that V-Ray for Rhino have. Our goal is to provide our user with the best tool possible.
                      I want to let you know that your feedback and the other users feedback are very important for us. We have all your feedback, request and ideas in front of us all the time. We are planning accordingly to meet our client needs.
                      We are currently working in our next build and it will have solved most of the issues mentioned here and much more.
                      Last edited by fpedrogo; 22-08-2017, 06:20 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by fpedrogo View Post
                        We are currently working in our next build and it will have solved most of the issues mentioned here and much more.
                        Thanks for the feedback Fernando, can't wait to try the next build!


                        • #13
                          Hi Fernando,

                          is there a plan to add slate editor to VFR? I think it?s easirer to control materials. Thanks
                          Last edited by kmlkarablt; 20-10-2017, 06:45 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kmlkarablt View Post
                            Hi Fernando,

                            is there a plan to add slate editor to VFR? I think it?s easirer to control materials. Thanks
                            Slate material editor is not being planned. A node-based material editor is an idea discussed multiple times already, and is definitely something the dev team might look into at a later date.

                            Kind regards,
                            Peter Chaushev
                            V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


                            • #15
                              Now that 3.6 was released for SketchUp, when can we expect it for Rhino? Are the features similar to the SketchUp version?
                              Edson Maruyama

