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License locked until Rhino is closed

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  • License locked until Rhino is closed

    I wrote the issue in my longer thread, but i will repeat it here, because this continue to be the biggest blow to our work after moving from Vray 2 to 3:

    When the material asset editor is open on a machine, one of our floating licenses is used. So not only when rendering. This may be on purpose from your side, however annoying it is for us to have to remember to close it again. But the biggest issue is that as soon as a user have had the asset editor open, or had a render running, the license is still locked until the model is closed. This is really killing our accessible license, and quite a inconvenience to have everybody open an close their rhino if they just added a material to a surface to preview something.

    It means that when i am modelling now i consider using Rhinos own material editor - and ultimately resulting in me considering using Enscape instead, since here i can sketch freely with materials applied. I doubt this is a behavior you would appreciate.
    I hope for a quick hotfix, but knowing this is not the norm, i hope for a workaround: Can we somehow free up a license without having to close our rhino models?

  • #2
    Today the depth of this issue was deepened. Not only do we have to quit a Rhino to free up the license again (Not only close v-ray), no all rhino files open on a computer has to be closed. Even the files where V-ray hasn't been used. Please advice on how we can force the licenses to free up again. This is getting out of hand with inconveniences.


    • #3
      You can release the license from the menu -> V-Ray->Help->License->Release V-Ray license

      Another way to achieve the same is changing the current renderer in Rhino. This can be made into a button - to do that you can right-click anywhere on the Rhino toolbar and create a new button (see illustration)
      To get the exact Rhino and V-Ray renderers plugin IDs, simply check their properties in the Plug-in list (command _PlugInManager).

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Render_engine_switch_button.jpg
Views:	229
Size:	50.7 KB
ID:	1012613
      Last edited by ivan.slavchev; 27-09-2018, 07:20 AM.
      Ivan Slavchev


      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Is there a plan to alter this behavior in the future? It can be a "solution" for the coming weeks, but it is utopia to believe people will remember to release every time they have added a material to their file.

