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Diamond Shape other then round

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  • Diamond Shape other then round

    Hello everyone! This is my first forum post. I'm trying to render a diamond. It seems to me that I can render a round diamond with no problems. But whenever I try to render a diamond that isnt round I'm left with alot of black areas. I know for sure there is no intersecting geometry messing with the diamond. I've tried a lot of different light setups. I've tried messing around with the material options but to no avail. I've been modeling jewelry for many years but I'm still quite new to Vray next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Also I'm using Rhino 6


    • #3

      The solution will depend on the reason why the dark areas appear.
      Are they a dark reflection from part of the environment or are the just areas that the material behind is more visible?
      I believe in this case this is most likely the silver material being more visible in those areas.
      If this is the case in material Wrapper there is an option to ignore objects behind the material Wrapper.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IgnoreObjectsWrapper.jpg
Views:	414
Size:	116.4 KB
ID:	1072246
      You can set the diamond material as a base in Wrapper and enable Ignore Objects in Secondary option.

      If the environment is bright it will make the diamond material to appear brighter as well.


      • #4
        Originally posted by slavcho.brusev View Post

        The solution will depend on the reason why the dark areas appear.
        Are they a dark reflection from part of the environment or are the just areas that the material behind is more visible?
        I believe in this case this is most likely the silver material being more visible in those areas.
        If this is the case in material Wrapper there is an option to ignore objects behind the material Wrapper.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	IgnoreObjectsWrapper.jpg
Views:	414
Size:	116.4 KB
ID:	1072246
        You can set the diamond material as a base in Wrapper and enable Ignore Objects in Secondary option.

        If the environment is bright it will make the diamond material to appear brighter as well.
        I have the same issue on diamonds and when using a wrapper I dont see that option? Any idea why please?


        • #5
          Please expand the advanced settings option to see the the Ignore Objects in Secondary checkbox.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	AdvancedSettingMat.jpg Views:	0 Size:	42.4 KB ID:	1073383

          Note that this option was introduced with V-Ray for Rhino, update 1(4.10.01)


          • #6
            The gem geometry for the MatrixGold radiant cuts isn't great - you might have to rebuild them with extra facets at the ends.


            • #7
              Also, enable the 'Back Side Reflect' option for the diamond material.


              • #8
                Originally posted by slavcho.brusev View Post
                Please expand the advanced settings option to see the the Ignore Objects in Secondary checkbox.
                slavcho.brusev An other interesting option to get all objects of the scene invisible in reflections is the dim distance - quick to access. But two questions for this way - shouldn't the refraction not provide the same feature? And if I add an override attribute and set an environment, how can I control the intensity?
       ... visualization for designer and architects


                • #9

                  The Dim Distance specifies the distance after which the reflection rays are not traced. After the distance is reached, the Environment color will be displayed. In this case it will be best to trace the dark areas of the diamond. You can do that by changing the lights color to something that will be easily noticed like red. First change the environment background to red then render and check if the dark areas of the diamond are becoming red. After that repeat this process for the other lights in the scene until you find the darkness source.
                  Regarding the additional controls of the Override attribute, is there a specific workflow that you see these could be implemented?


                  • #10
                    In the past I enabled "ignore objects in secondary" and set an own refl/refr environment for stone materials which shows a lot of colorful patches. So, I got colorful sparkles independent from the scene. Dim Distance at 0 is like "ignore objects in secondary". But I still ask me - shouldn't the refraction not provide the same feature? And if I add an override attribute and set an environment, how can I control the intensity?
           ... visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11
                      Are there any limitations you are experiencing with the Ignore Objects in Secondary option?
                      Do you think that adding a Dim distance parameter additionally to the Refraction would have any advantage in comparison with using the standard workflow with Ignore Objects in Secondary?

                      The intensity of the Environment slot in the Override attribute can be controlled by wrapping the bitmap in Simple Mix texture. After that you can adjust the intensity from the Simple Mix options.


                      • #12
                        I like simple materials and I don't like adding a wrapper material over a basic material. In the past at VfR2 the user was able to use the option "Ignore Objects in Secondary" at the reflection parameters of the standard material. Could this option not be added to the raytrace attributes? The dim distance allow to get "Ignore Objects in Secondary" without a wrapper material.

                        Thank you for the hint with the Simple Mix, it will help. Only I wonder why an environment slot has no intensity control per default. I'm glad that I don't need to add a Simple Mix to every texture.
               ... visualization for designer and architects

