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Rectangle lights in Vray for GH are actually Square?

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  • Rectangle lights in Vray for GH are actually Square?

    Adding a rectangle light in Grasshopper I just noticed that it seems you have turned it into a square light in Grasshopper!? Why?

    You can just connect a rectangle to define the size!? At least that's how you would do it in Grasshopper?

    I mean at the very least rename it to "Square Light" in Grasshopper.

    But I don't understand why it would only want a square light, when since the dawn of time they are called rectangle lights.

    Is there any good reason for doing it like that? (And please don't tell me its to keep things "simple". A rectangle is arguably one of the easiest components in Grasshopper and everyone in Grasshopper will be familiar with it).

    Or why not just add a Size X and Size Y input? (Although using a rectangle is the way other components in Grasshopper use a rectangular size).

    Click image for larger version

Name:	rectangle_light_gh.jpg
Views:	151
Size:	63.2 KB
ID:	1071992

  • #2
    Hi seltzdesign

    Thank you for the feedback!

    Kindly note that this has been logged as a request and the dev team will be introducing improvement in that respect in the near-future

