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Tri-Planar Texture with object space not working?

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  • Tri-Planar Texture with object space not working?

    Just giving the tri-planar Texture a go to create a texture for laser-cut MDF that we have created. It works great and looks just as good as with splitting the mesh as we had to do before.

    The only thing I don't understand is the Texture Transform projection space. You can switch between world and object space, but nothing at all changes. It appears that it is always in World Space!?

    What am I doing wrong? One of the objects is not rotated in World space, the one with the red circle is rotated slightly and the texture should rotate with it of course.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	triplanar_object_space.jpg
Views:	738
Size:	572.1 KB
ID:	1088595

  • #2
    Hi seltzdesign

    Thank you for taking the time to report this! It has been logged and our dev team will further investigate it (VRW-2890).

    As soon as there is any update in regards to this behavior, I will post pack here.


    • #3
      So it turns out Rhino objects do not have local coordinate system and the reason why Object Space does not work.

      As a workaround, geometry can be defined as Block and the Projection Space of the Tri-Planar texture will be respected.


      • #4
        I see. Well, that's kind of true. Rhino is a bit weird like that. I would still think that there is a way to find the transform of an object in relation to the world space at least based on the texture mapping, which is exactly what you need here otherwise texture mapping to an object wouldn't work in Rhino either (but does).

        Take a look at the last answer to see how to get an objects texture transformation:

        Does that help?
        Last edited by seltzdesign; 22-10-2020, 06:49 AM.


        • #5
          Unfortunately no, this does not help our case. Determining a local coordinate system based on texture mapping is not possible, because Rhino passes UV data instead of XYZ coordinates


          • #6
            georgi.georgiev So, it would be better if seltzdesign ask the McNeel team?
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              I don't think the McNeel team needs to do anything, since there is nothing broken or bugged.

              Our dev team sought-after a solution for this, however it was deemed not safe to implement.

              It involved using the mapping widget in Rhino and pass that widget's transformation to the uvw_transform of the texture. However the solution is not safe, since a material/texture could be used globally by several objects and there is only one slot for uvw coordinate transformation.


              • #8
                Originally posted by georgi.georgiev View Post
                I don't think the McNeel team needs to do anything, since there is nothing broken or bugged.
                I thought the McNeel team could add an object coordinate space for all render engines. So, no bug, more a feature request.
       ... visualization for designer and architects


                • #9
                  I thought the McNeel team could add an object coordinate space for all render engines. So, no bug, more a feature request.
                  That is right but I think it'll be a big change for them with very little to gain.
                  On the other hand the local transformations can be useful in many more ways.

