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Vray Rhino 7 keeps crashing

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  • Vray Rhino 7 keeps crashing

    Repeatedly, a few seconds after I click render - my computer crashes and reboots. I've tested five or six files and it crashes all of them.

    So frustrating. Any ideas?

    I've reinstalled Vray and reinstalled the Vray license server (today). As mentioned in another thread as a cause, I've searched for rhino "box" textures and I have none. Rhino does not crash when I'm not attempting to render in Vray.

    Rhino 7.4. Vray 5 - Update 1. nvida 2 x 1080ti, driver 461.40, 32GB ram, Windows 10.

    thanks - Jeff

  • #2
    * Doe's a fresh opened empty Rhino file where you create an object like a cube crash?
    * If you open an exist project file and reset the global V-Ray option, do you get a crash? ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      4 posts down is a similar problem, V-Ray 5 Update 1 keeps crashing Rhino 7

      My situation is random freeze, requiring manual hard reboot.


      • #4
        Yes, a simple file with a single object crashes too.

        I'm not sure what you mean by resetting a global Vray option.

        thanks - Jeff


        • #5
          Oh, that's bad, that the fresh scene crashs. Sounds like something for the Chaosgroup support. Doe's CPU rendering work?

          My impression is that something could be wrong with your computer, maybe a RAM related issue.

          The reset button is the circle arrow button at right bottom (see screenshot).

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 03-14-21 at 07.21 PM.JPG
Views:	2682
Size:	73.4 KB
ID:	1107222
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            I will try that.

            In the Vray menu, render is set to use CPU and both 1080ti graphics cards. I notice that in cycles settings in Rhino properties that the default is set to a single 1080ti card. I tried changing that to no graphics cards and only CPU and that did not help. I tried changing it to both 1080ti cards and no CPU and that did not help.


            • #7
              Performed global reset - no improvement.
              Set to CPU only - no improvement

              Set size to 850 x 450 ... renders ok
              Set size to 2000 x 1125 ... renders ok
              Set size to 4000 x 2250 ... renders ok
              Set size to 4000 x 2250 and added infinite plane ... machine crashed

              disconnected one of two monitors
              changed monitor from 1080ti A to 1080ti B
              Set size to 800 x 450 ... renders ok
              Set size to 2000 x 1125 ... machine crash

              Set size to 800 x 450 ... repeated render ... crash at about the fifth render

              open task manager
              Set size to 800 x 450 ... repeated render ... task manager reports power usage "very high" > machine crashes

              Is it possible that I now have some defect in the power supply (or cooling) that is activated when asking Vray to do more than just a very minimal render or when repeating renders.

              thanks, Jeff


              • #8
                You could try to provocate a crash by other software than V-Ray, so you could be sure V-Ray isn't the reason. There are CPU/GPU/memory stress tools. Also you could try to render per Rhino 7 standard renderer engine Cycles and see what happen.
       ... visualization for designer and architects


                • #9
                  Hi Ibear888

                  Please keep in mind that system reboots and such should not be caused by V-Ray but rather a hardware malfunction.
                  You can have a look at the following article on some guidance on how to troubleshoot:

                  Can you let us know if any of the devices have been overclocked?

                  You can also try V-Ray Benchmark to see if there are any issues: and as Micha suggested, try other renderers and stress tools.

                  glennco are you experiencing these issues with specific projects or any? And if it is project specific, would it be possible to share it.
                  Are you using any plugins, and is there any difference when disabling them?
                  Do you receive any errors or warnings in the Progress window?
                  We would need some further information in order to be able to assist you. Best would be to drop us a line through our contact form so we can sort this out.
                  Nikoleta Garkova |


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the reply. I made a thorough post here on 3/2/21 with Full Rhino system info
                    Because of NDA I cannot share files.
                    I'm experiencing random freeze (computer becomes unresponsive & I hard reset). They happen every 2 or 3 weeks. They are on different files over that time span, can be small 15MBor large 70MB. I'm using RTX rendering for the speed.
                    After pressing the render button, the system freezes, since my fans have not spun up there appears to be no load on system when the freeze occurs (this is one reason I think it is Vray5 for Rhino related & not my hardware.)
                    There are no warnings in the progress window.
                    Nothing in Windows 10 event viewer.
                    As best I remember for the 2-3months I used Rhino 6 & Vray 4 I had no freezes. They seem to have started with Rhino 7 & Vray5.
                    8700k CPU temps are upper 60's to low 70's under load. EVGA rtx2070 XC ultra temps are 58-60 under load.
                    I did see a post about WCS box mapping issues.
                    Some of these freezes occurred when I was using decals, which I have stopped using because they do not render in Vray for shiny surfaces, or when used in blocks, or copied. I can see them displayed in the Rhino viewport.
                    A week ago I used Sketchup 2020 pro 20.2.172 & Vray 4.20.03 on a legacy project (thanks for making a monthly license available for purchase) for a couple days and no freezes, working on a 70MB file, ran numerous CUDA renderings. Glass, crystal, fur (rugs), leather, gold, marble, a large number of lights, etc.


                    • #11
                      Hi glennco

                      Thanks for the details provided. Have you noticed such behavior if you are not using RTX?
                      How long would a freeze continue? Are you sure there are no processes running in the background, e.g. any updates or processes executed by Windows Defender. Have you made any hardware changes recently? Can you try to produce such results with another render engine?

                      We would need more specific information in order to troubleshoot this; a screen recording the next time it occurs would be helpful (you can blur out any sensitive information). We can also sign an NDA if needed.

                      Alternatively, if this event occurs, you can get in touch with via phone or through our contact form so we can schedule a remote session and investigate on the spot.
                      Nikoleta Garkova |


                      • #12

                        Thanks for the thorough reply.

                        This is frustrating because of it being (or appearing) random, it happens once or twice about every 2 weeks, on different Rhino/Vray files, different times of the day.

                        With Rhino & Vray I've been running RTX for the speed. Always production rendering, I do not use interactive or any of the other recent features (work load hasn't allowed for exploration time).

                        Last week I used Sketchup 2020 pro 20.2.172 & Vray 4.20.03 on a legacy project with CUDA, no freeze. Ran several renderings 3-5 minutes each plus multiple shorter renders during material adjustment.

                        The freeze lasts until I press the hard reset button on my case. Keyboard is unresponsive, so I can't get a screen shot, I did take a phone photo of the screen but there is nothing there: Asset editor is open & part of VFB title bar appears transparent as VFB was changing from minimized to fully open.

                        I usually wait 2-3 minutes before pressing reset, once I waited 10-15minutes.

                        I have checked event viewer looking for something right before the freeze, with no success.

                        No hardware changes.

                        I do not have access to other render engines besides Vray.

                        Software updates: that is an interesting idea. I get notices for Windows 10, NVIDIA drivers, etc then download & install when I'm on a break.

                        However there are updates happening on their own: Windows 10 apps via Windows store, Windows defender, possibly McAfee.

                        I've tried to have only Rhino & Vray open, Edge browser closed, 1Note closed. Again 1 random freeze after 1-2 weeks, so that probably wasn't the issue.

                        I’m hesitant to send these files because I read a post on the VRAY forum about another user who uploaded a problem file (that was confidential) and then a rendering from that file ended up on Chaos example gallery. So, maybe that was a 1 time error on your end, but I'm cautious.

                        Remote session or phone call probably won't work since I'm in the U.S. I think -7 to you. Also, again the system freeze doesn't allow me to do anything until I hard reboot/reset. I cannot screen grab, or open other apps, or file, or ctrl-alt-delete to get to task manager. System is locked, but it appears CPU/GPU are not processing (fans do not spin up).




                        • #13
                          glennco Right, if it is a bug than a fix would be great. But don't expect to much speed gain by RTX. I haven't seen a big speed increase yet, maybe 10% some times, most less. So, Cuda would be a good workaround.
                 ... visualization for designer and architects


                          • #14
                            Micha thanks, that speed increase is pretty much inline with what I'm seeing as well. I could fall back to CUDA, but then RTX issue will never get resolved.


                            • #15
                              nikoleta.garkova I just thought of this: could file naming have any impact?
                              I have 2 drives (both SSD 850 Samsung Pro) C O/S & all apps, D all working files.
                              Organized like this: projects>client name>unique project number>all files related to this project
                              Then an asset sub-folder for items specific to that project projects>client name>unique project number>assets>
                              Each Rhino file is named: unique project number <space> description <space> date.3dm
                              Throughout the day, obsolete the file with a text note & save as "datea", so d projects>client>1234>1234 living room 20210317.3dm" then "1234 living room 20210317a.3dm.
                              I noticed that Rhino or Vray is creating subfolders "_embeded_files", since I rename the rhino file I get a subfolder for each rename, with embedded files spread over multiple folders.

