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Cryptomatte doesn't work

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  • Cryptomatte doesn't work

    Hi guys,
    I'm new to Vray for Rhino. Today I installed this render engine for Rhino. Nice tool.
    But there is a problem: I can't obtain a Cryptomatte image after activated the right Render Element.
    I followed that steps:
    1. turn off interactive render and progressive render
    2. activate Cryptomatte in Render Elements, ID by Material Name
    3. launch render
    4. In V-Ray Frame Buffer I can see the Cryptomatte image (see Crypto1.jpg)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	crypto1.jpg
Views:	951
Size:	224.3 KB
ID:	1109889
    After saved in a EXR file the layers, when I open this file in Affinity Photo, I find a totally strange file, not showing the Cryptomatte element...
    Click image for larger version

Name:	crypto2.jpg
Views:	844
Size:	179.1 KB
ID:	1109890
    Click image for larger version

Name:	crypto3.jpg
Views:	858
Size:	35.1 KB
ID:	1109891

    In few words... Cryptomatte layer element doesn't work properly... What was wrong?

    Thanks (and sorry for my terrible English)...

  • #2
    Hello, gianluca_menti1 ,
    Thank you for describing your problem in such detail.
    Unfortunately, it appears that Affinity Photo does not support Cryptomatte yet.
    The mask data is serialized in your rendered files, however, you need an image-editing software with Cryptomatte support to access it correctly.

    Kind regards,
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


    • #3
      Hello Peter,
      Today I discovered that Cryptomatte works, but only if the file output format is JPG. With Tif, EXR, Png the Cryptomatte output will be corrupted. If I choose JPG file, with separated channels, the issue disappears.
      Affinity have no issue with Cryptomatte produced with Blender (I used it for many months) in EXR file format.

      This is VFB Output in Rhino:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	rhino_crypto.jpg
Views:	897
Size:	297.7 KB
ID:	1109986

      I saved the Cryptomatte channel in 3 format: JPG, PNG and TIF... Only JPG works (with Affinity)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	rhino_crypto_formats.jpg
Views:	806
Size:	285.6 KB
ID:	1109987

      JPG file is correct, no issue... the others are unusable.

      This is a EXR file created with Blender, opened in Affinity with no issue. I presume Vray for Rhino may have a problem.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	affinity_crypto_2.jpg
Views:	865
Size:	118.0 KB
ID:	1109989
      Attached Files

