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V-Ray for GH CUDA keeps crashing/failing

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  • V-Ray for GH CUDA keeps crashing/failing

    Since one of the more recent version of V-Ray for GH, whenever we try to render with CUDA, there are all sorts of errors and bugs preventing it from rendering.

    Symptoms are:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_gh_cuda.jpg
Views:	287
Size:	152.8 KB
ID:	1110334

    1. Incomplete renderings (should have a consistent white background).

    2. Can't open the log from the V-Ray frame buffer (small icon bottom right). Works in the frame viewer from Rhino, but not from GH

    3. Rhino just completely crashes as soon as I hit render

    This is on the latest version of V-Ray 5 for Rhino.

    Anybody know what might be causing this? It used to work fine.

  • #2
    Hello, seltzdesign ,
    Could you please state what is the hardware you use, your GPU drivers version and OS version?
    Does the problem occur with new projects (e.g. render a mesh cube in a new GH scene)?

    A sample project I could test would help in assisting you further.

    Kind regards,
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


    • #3
      Was just playing with it again and this was the error I got just before it crashed:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	cuda_bug.png
Views:	242
Size:	31.8 KB
ID:	1110353

      I am using V-Ray 5.10.02 with a Nvidia GeForce GTX1080Ti, driver version: Studio Driver version 461.92

      I think it mainly happens when you render from Rhino and Grasshopper in the same session (not at the same time). It usually works fine the first time, but as you start playing around and its recompiling the kernel and you switch between kernels I find that recently it has gotten a lot more inconsistent. Earlier I switched back to CPU and then all of a sudden had those typical rings appear in textures. Not sure what's going on, but it wasn't that bad before.

      I'll try and create a scene where it happens, but of course its usually not the simple scenes, but the more complicated setups.


      • #4
        Thank you for sharing these details!
        Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the issue with a relatively-heavy scene and alternating Rhino/Grasshopper rendering.
        If you succeed in reproducing the GPU render failure again with this scene or any other, could you please share it via ?
        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


        • #5
          Hi seltzdesign ,

          It usually works fine the first time, but as you start playing around and its recompiling the kernel and you switch between kernels I find that recently it has gotten a lot more inconsistent.
          What do you mean by 'it's recompiling the kernal and you switch between kernels'?
          V-Ray for Rhino and Grasshopper are using the same exact V-Ray Core and no kernel recompilation should be happening when you switch between them.
          Can you list the exact steps that you take to reproduce the faulty behavior and the error?

          all of a sudden had those typical rings appear in textures
          Can you please show an example of the 'rings'.
          It would also be great if you can share the scene used in your tests.


