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Grasshopper Object V-Ray Light Spot Does Not Work

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  • Grasshopper Object V-Ray Light Spot Does Not Work

    Can't seem to create spotlights within grasshopper. The preview is shown fine in Rhino, but the spotlight does not actually show up when rendering either within the GH renderer or the project renderer.

    Here's a file which should minimally reproduce the error...

  • #2
    Hello, sam_wolk ,

    You need to lower the exposure value in order to see the spotlight. I recommend you also to disable the default Light Rig in Grasshopper for the GH rendering. You can do this by adding a V-Ray Light Rig Simple component, then toggle off its parameters. In Grasshopper you can adjust the exposure by adding a V-Ray Camera component, then enable the Exposure On parameter and adjust the value manually through the F-Number, Shutter and ISO. For rendering the project in Rhino you need to adjust the exposure in the Rhino project, I also advise you to disable the environment texture in order to see the light more clearly.

    Kind regards,
    Iva Mancheva
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


    • #3
      Hi Iva,

      I had the environment texture turned off in Rhino and the EV value set very low. Still no luck. I also updated the gh def as directed, still no luck. See below for a comparison between using a point light (works) and a spotlight (doesn't work).

      The link I posted in my previous post has the updated gh file for you to check...

      point light:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	point-light.png
Views:	194
Size:	716.7 KB
ID:	1135088

      Click image for larger version

Name:	spot-light.png
Views:	200
Size:	901.7 KB
ID:	1135089


      • #4
        Hello, sam_wolk ,

        You need a much lower exposure value - in your case something like EV -3 with Spotlight Intensity 2000 would work for you or you could increase a lot more the intensity.

        Kind regards,
        Last edited by iva_mancheva; 23-12-2021, 09:20 AM.
        Iva Mancheva
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


        • #5
          Ah yes, that was the issue.

          I think I was surprised, maybe because previously I had also been adjusting the falloff for spotlights created in Rhino and you can't do that in GH. Thank you for the help.

