Sorry for posting so many questions... I think this is a bug, unless I am missing something obvious?
The object on the left: using a Displacement Geometry with a Noise A texture for the displacement map. Applied it to a plane, works fine. Great.
The object on the right: using a Displacement Geometry with a Noise A texture for the displacement map; however, a circular Gradient texture for the map was applied to the color B parameter of the Noise A texture; this displacement geometry was applied to another plane. The displacement geometry shows up on the plane a bit like a bump map, instead of displacement - i.e. it looks like it is casting shadows on itself, but it is completely flat, even if the displacement amount is cranked extremely high.
Rhino file here.

Sorry for posting so many questions... I think this is a bug, unless I am missing something obvious?
The object on the left: using a Displacement Geometry with a Noise A texture for the displacement map. Applied it to a plane, works fine. Great.
The object on the right: using a Displacement Geometry with a Noise A texture for the displacement map; however, a circular Gradient texture for the map was applied to the color B parameter of the Noise A texture; this displacement geometry was applied to another plane. The displacement geometry shows up on the plane a bit like a bump map, instead of displacement - i.e. it looks like it is casting shadows on itself, but it is completely flat, even if the displacement amount is cranked extremely high.
Rhino file here.