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Displacement settings

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  • Displacement settings


    while using the displacementmodifier i noticed unwanted reflections of the "extruded" displacement (picture below). I tried to set the resolution of the displacement higher, but there are no noticeble changes.

    Is it possible to determine settings of the extruded surface or are this the limits of displacement? How would you overcome this issue? ​

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-01-14 112036.jpg
Views:	169
Size:	243.8 KB
ID:	1136683

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Those reflections must be from a light present in the project. Start the Interactive renderer and turn off the lights one by one until you determine the Light which is causing those reflections.
    Another way to get rid of those is to lower the Reflection Glossiness of the material.
    If this doesn't help please share an example so I can check it on my side.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply! Yes the lightsource is the HDRI and the glossiness can't be changed because of the appearance on top of the pavement. I can reduce the reflection on the side of the pavement in postproduction, just thought there might be a solution within Vray, even though i know that Vray is giving me the realistic result.


      • #4
        I would use a map at the reflection color to avoid reflections at the edges of the stones. Is it right that the gaps are also glossy?

        I would use a map like attached and if the stone edges are still to glossy than I would multiply a blur layer of the dark gaps to increase the dark areas.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 01-14-22 at 02.27 PM.JPG
Views:	156
Size:	393.9 KB
ID:	1136716
        Last edited by Micha; 14-01-2022, 06:29 AM. ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Perfect, that was the hint I needed - thank you guys!


          • #6
            Hi staubbir,

            Another thing you should consider is the texture tiling.
            If you tile the texture many times using V-Ray's texture placement settings, the 2D displacement will have hard time sampling the texture and a resolution increase will be required.
            If however you modify the object UV's to get the tiling you're after, lower 2D resolutions will give you better results.

            What Micha has suggested is also a good idea.
            Dimming the reflections between the tiles will certainly improve the final appearance.


