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Vray clipping plane

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  • Vray clipping plane

    Hello everyone, I am submitting my question.

    I have to render quite small rooms (such as bathrooms) and I would like to use a realistic focal length.
    In the new version of vray for rhino there is the "vray clipping plane".
    However, once activated I would need the lighting to remain that of the entire model and not enter the "cut" of the clipping plane.

    Where am I wrong?

    Thanks good evening!

  • #2
    The Clipping plane (it is a rhino feature actually) literraly cuts snd removes geometry. It is for all rays - light, shadow, camera, etc.

    you will need a camera near clipping, which only affects camera rays. Unfortunately there is no such feature in Rhino (although it exists in the SDK), so we don't have UI for it out of the box. You will need to activate it with a short script

    import rhVRay as vray
    rv = vray.Scene.RenderView
    rv.clipping =True
    rv.clipping_near = 50
    Check this post for details:


    • #3
      I wonder about the answer by Nikolay, maybe I misunderstood the initial question but for me, like I understand the question, the solution would be to add a Rhino clipping plane and adjust the options at the V-Ray asset editor like at the screenshot. So, geometry is clipped but the lighting situation is kept.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 02-17-22 at 07.52 AM.JPG
Views:	1306
Size:	72.0 KB
ID:	1140303 ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        I'm not a 3D artist, to me the camera clipping is a better solution
        as you like it


        • #5
          Thank you all but special thank to Micha!!

          This is what I needed. I mistakenly thought that selecting "affect light" would do the job correctly, but it was the other way around ....

          Have a good day!

