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License not available after PC stand-by

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  • License not available after PC stand-by


    often I have the problem that my license can't be used after standby if Rhino was with a project open. Is there a way to free my license in this situation without to close all Rhino tasks? Stop/Start of the license server doesn't help.


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 06-24-22 at 12.10 PM.JPG
Views:	288
Size:	78.1 KB
ID:	1152134 ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    If I don't start working immediately after standby, then the license starts working after some time. Could it be possible to start this license "repair" process manually? ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3

      Can you please give us more information on what are you trying to achieve? What do you mean by standby, does the computer go into standby mode? Are you trying to use it on another machine, if so you must close Rhino first before being able to use the license somewhere else? We don't have any options for repair of the license once you open the 3D software it should.

      Please let me know if I didn't understand this correctly.
      Aneliya Karadzhova

      Technical Support Representative



      • #4
        For example I'm working on some large projects and closing/opening is a slow process. So, if I make a break I set my computer in stand-by mode and later I want to work on the Rhino tasks again. But I get the error message that the license can't be acquired. If I look at the license manager than I see that the license is in use. After some time I can use the license.

        I suppose so that during the PC stand-by something is changing so that computer and license manager of the Chaosgroup are not synchronized anymore. I don't know so much about how it works. I use VfR on a single machine per online licensing only. Should I switch to offline use? Is it more stable and useful in my situation? ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Today, after I wake up my PC from standby, I'm working on a Rhino task since a few hours and now I pressed the render button first time -> [12:12:41.873] Error : Could not obtain a license (1002): 1002: All the licenses for this product are currently engaged.

          Only it helps to close all Rhino tasks and start again.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            I get this problem quite often and I don't want to close all my large project Rhino tasks always to get the license working. Please tell me how I can renew the license without to close Rhino.
   ... visualization for designer and architects

