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Wrapper material is not working in GPU rendering

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  • Wrapper material is not working in GPU rendering

    As the title says, I could not get the wrapper material to work with GPU. It was working fine in V-Ray 5
    Is there a new workflow I'm missing for Shadow catcher in GPU?

    Using V-Ray 6 current released version

  • #2
    Good catch!
    We have identified the issue. It affects only newly-created Wrapper materials. Will have it fixed in time for the upcoming hotfix.
    In the meantime, you can solve the issue on your side using either of the following workarounds:
    • Workaround A:
      Type in _-EditPythonScript in your Rhino command line and then run the following script:
      import rhVRay as vray
      	with vray.Scene.Transaction():
      	Matte_mtl = vray.Scene.Plugin("/Wrapper_v6")
      	Matte_mtl.alpha_contribution_tex = -1
      Substitute Wrapper_v6 with the name of your actual Wrapper material and don't forget to add an "/" in front of it as shown in the example.
    • Workaround B:
      Use a Wrapper material created in V-Ray 5. This can be done by opening the V-Ray Asset Editor and load a V-Ray 5 Wrapper vrmat file (the 'Import Asset File' located at the footer of the Asset Editor).
      If you have the V-Ray 5 Material Library still existing on your system, simply navigate and load the following file:
      %UserProfile%\Documents\V-Ray Material Library\AEC\materials\v5.0\Materials\Diagrammatic\ Matte Shadow Receiver.vrmat
      Alternatively, download and load it from here: Matte Shadow
    Again, thank you for alerting us of this issue!

    Kind regards,
    Attached Files
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Specialist


    • #3
      Thank you Peter! I thought I was crazy, I spent a good amount of time trying to make it work.

