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Grasshopper Animation - Render in Background? - Rhino & Vray windows jumping to front after each frame completes.

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  • Grasshopper Animation - Render in Background? - Rhino & Vray windows jumping to front after each frame completes.

    I'm trying to render out an animation (Render in Project from Grasshopper) while continuing to use my computer for other things, but the Rhino & Vray windows keep jumping to the front after each frame completes.

    Is there a way to stop this happening?

  • #2
    Minimising Rhino stops it popping up on screen but it still grabs the 'focus' away from the current program - i.e. if I'm typing in the browser (like I am trying to now) when I look up after typing a whole sentence half of it hasn't been written as the 'focus' has been pulled back to Rhino (which is still minimised)...


    • #3
      there is a command vrayShiwVFBOnRender. You can turn it on. I'm not sure that would work 100%, since it is the framework that shows the frame buffer, not the plugin


      • #4
        Brilliant - thanks nikolay.bakalov - that works perfectly.

        I used the "0=No" option in "vrayShowVFBonRender" command.
        Last edited by paul-twoatsix; 31-10-2022, 06:02 AM.


        • #5
          nikolay.bakalov I think I've discovered a bug - if you try to stop an animation mid render after selecting the vrayShowVFBOnRender set to 0 the grasshopper window stays in active mode (white border around it) and is unresponsive - the Rhino window is responsive. The Vray Asset Editor is usable however the render teapot icon still shows the red "stop" square - which does nothing when pressed. When I bring up the frame buffer the rendering has clearly stopped but still says rendering image. I pressed the clear image button and now Rhino's not responding.


          • #6
            Hello, paul-twoatsix,

            Which version of V-Ray for Rhino are you currently using, as our team does not reproduce the described behavior with V-Ray 6 for Rhino, Hotfix 1?

            Kind regards,
            Natali Velcheva
            V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


            • #7
              Hi natali.velcheva I have the latest version installed:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	179
Size:	37.6 KB
ID:	1165829

              You can download my project files here:

              My process is:

              1. Open Rhino & Grasshopper files
              2. Make sure camera view "01" is active.
              3. Set "Vray Asset Editor - Render Output - Save Image" to "On" with folder selected.
              4. Enter command "vrayShowVFBonRender" and set to "0"
              5. Enable "Render in Project" component
              6. Right-click "Render in Project" component and select "Render Animation in Rhino".
              7. Check rendering is saving frames to chosen folder.
              8. Open "Vray Asset Editor" and press teapot "Render" icon to stop render.
              9. Open Frame buffer to check Rendering has stopped.
              10. Check Grasshopper window - white border & non-responsive... Rhino window, Vray Asset Editor window and Vray Frame Buffer window responsive until "Clear image button pressed.

              Note: The rendering stops fine if I open the Frame Buffer window and stop the rendering from the teapot "Render" icon there. But since the Frame Buffer isn't open when the "vrayShowVFBonRender" is set to "0" it doesn't make sense to open it rather than just click the stop render button in the "Vray Asset Editor" which is where the bug appears to be happening.


              • #8
                Hi, paul-twoatsix,

                Thanks a lot for the detailed description. The issue has been reproduced and logged in our system.

                Kind regards,
                Natali Velcheva
                V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA

