Trying to get an image-based dome light to Render in Project and neither of the following want to work? What have I missed?
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Grasshopper - Image based HDR Dome Light Render in Project - Not Working
Hello paul-twoatsix!
The Rig components are designed to work only in Grasshopper and cannot be transferred to Rhino. This is because the Rigs contain environmental settings that will overwrite already existing environment in Rhino.
The LightDome is the way to go. However there is an issue with the data transfer, caused by the UV mapping of the dome texture. The component raises an error and aborts. That is the reason why the Render In Project component has frozen status message "Transferring...".
This has been fixed already and will be available in the next release.
Thank you for writing us!
Kind regards,
IvelinaIvelina Mincheva
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