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VfR6+Rhino 8: changing the layer state during IR

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  • VfR6+Rhino 8: changing the layer state during IR

    ... isn't show at an interactive rendering. If I try to hide objects by disabling the layer than nothing happen at the viewport. Only a restart of the IR helps.

    -Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Now I have the problem that the scene state is ignored, also for non IR. Anything is hidden, but rendering still shows objects. (I show the alpha channel only here because NDA.)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 01-05-23 at 02.49 PM.jpg
Views:	327
Size:	155.5 KB
ID:	1169368 ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Some more infos: I select all at my current scene and hide them per _hide. The scene is empty, but objects from disabled layers are rendered. ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Hi Micha​,

        Thanks for reporting this.
        We'll do our best to find the reason and fix the issue.



        • #5
          I would like to use Rhino 8 because I need some of the new features for a project. What do you think, when the issue can be fixed? It's quite essential and a workaround is cumbersome. (Manuel hide instead disabling layers works.)
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Hi all, I posted about this problem yesterday in a separate post. I've tracked down the root of the problem as well as the solution.

            After testing in R7 showed the expected behavior, I figured that something had changed in R8 to stop this expected behavior. Going through the changelogs I saw that they introduced a new layering system allowing you to have custom view layers per view which is pretty incredible. No more writing down which layers were enabled in order to produce any specific drawing. As part of this layer visibility is no longer binary (0-on, 1=off), but includes a third option(0=on, 1=off, 2=off everywhere). To disable layers for rendering, right click the visibility (yellow bulb) on the layers panel and tick "turn off everywhere" which gives a red bulb icon instead of grey or yellow.​

            More info and video explanation here:


            • #7
              Oh, that's a horrible news. It will cause a lot of trouble and confusion for me and my clients. I hope the new feature (I never missed it and I don't need the drawing feature) can be disabled again. Here an example - I disabled the red layer by simple click on the lamp icon. No red box is visible anymore at any view, but it is still rendered because the extra step "turn off everywhere" isn't done. I don't want to make extra clicks for every disabled layer.

              Please allow to set that 1=off is enough to disable layers for rendering. The hope the red bulb thing can be complete ignored. I hope I misunderstood something and all is simple like before.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	165
Size:	236.1 KB
ID:	1170888

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	149
Size:	221.0 KB
ID:	1170887
              Attached Files
     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                It will be change to workflows, but honestly it is a feature that will make my workflow and general quality of life so much better.

                You can create a layout at the required aspect ratio and size and lock a viewpoint to it. Associated with that viewpoint are the layers that should be on for that specific render. This allows the level of detail or objects in each view to be controlled per render.

                For example, a common task I do is to create some visualizations for multiple design options. Previously I would either have to remember which layers are meant to be on for each specific option, or write them down somewhere. There is always a 20% chance of me missing something and rendering something completely useless because I left the wrong layers enabled.

                With the new workflow layer settings are view specific (in a detail view) which would allow me to set these options and then do six rounds of design development without needing to fiddle with layers. It sounds like heaven, nevermind the usefulness it will have for more typical technical drawings.

                Honestly now that I understand where my issues stemmed from it's one of my favorite elements from the Beta, and I'm happy to work around the development quirks in order to use it.


                • #9
                  I used the layer state manager for design options and it worked quite well, no problems. I saved layers states for design option A/B/C. For example I have train interior with 10 saved views. I rendered design option A/B/C in 10 views without any trouble, no need to miss a layer.

                  With the new layer system I can save 30 views, 10 for each design option? And if I add/remove layers to a design option, than I need to update all views of the changed design option?

                  I suppose so there is a misunderstanding. My example above shows a disabled layer and no visible red box on any view. I see no reason why the red box should be rendered. I hope a drawing specific layer system can be used without to add more work for the simple basic workflow.
         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    konstantin_chaos I think V-Ray needs to render the scene like shown at the viewport. The new layer visibility feature is for Layout/Detail views, but not for the simple standard cameras/views. The whole new layer feature could be ignored for the old standard workflow and only use if Layouts/Detail​s are enabled and used.
           ... visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11
                      Hello All,
                      I confirm that the Layer / Visibility control issue is resolved when it comes to hidden layers being rendered in Vray. using the build (8.0.23052.12305, 2023-02-21)


                      • #12
                        Great, thank you for the info. Now I can use R8|V6.
               ... visualization for designer and architects


                        • #13
                          Maybe good to know: the latest Rhino WIP update is needed. Looks like the fix was done at the McNeel side.
                 ... visualization for designer and architects

