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Vray Proxies - Wont snap

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  • Vray Proxies - Wont snap

    Hi I am a new convert from Sketchup to Rhino, I am struggling as when I place proxies from cosmos - there seems to be no way to snap to them to allow you to locate them accurately on a plane or other object - in SketchUp this is simple as they are snapable but i am having to manually adjust everything leaving most things either slightly sunken or slightly hovering - am I being stupid! I have tried most of the snap settings but cant find anything about this?

  • #2
    Hello boundary,

    Are you placing Assets in the Perspective view?

    If you set Osnap settings to End/Near/Knot/Vertex and try it in the Right or Left view does it snap the way you need?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Cosmos_assset_Osnap.jpg
Views:	166
Size:	258.0 KB
ID:	1170739
    Natalia Gruzdova |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

