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Auto Material apply

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  • Auto Material apply

    After recent udpate of Vray to ver. 6.2.0 I have issues with auto applying materials to selected objects.
    When I select object in Rhino and open Vray, selected Vray Material is auto applied to selected object. Really annoying, need to downgrade Vray for now.

  • #2
    Hello Pavol,

    Thank you for reporting this! We'll look into it right away.

    Kind regards,
    Peter Chaushev
    Former Product Owner V-Ray for SketchUp & Rhino (2016-2025)

    Let's keep in touch


    • #3
      The described behavior appears only if the Object properties panel's Material tab has been accessed while the object is selected.
      You can work around it by not using the Material properties tab or by switching to another tab, deselecting the object and reselecting it.
      The cause is identified as a bug in the Rhino 7 API. Our devs are in contact with McNeel and will also look into working around it in our code.

      Thank you once again for letting us know!
      Last edited by Peter.Chaushev; 08-12-2023, 09:44 AM. Reason: Edit: only Rhino 7 API
      Peter Chaushev
      Former Product Owner V-Ray for SketchUp & Rhino (2016-2025)

      Let's keep in touch


      • #4
        Thank you for answer. For now I am still using ver. 6.1. without problem. Suggested work around is very "clicky" for me


        • #5
          The issue has been identified and we already have a fix for it.

          It appears that the latest Rhino 7 SDK published by McNeel deprecated the function we use for selecting materials, replacing it with a new one.
          The new one causes this issue in Rhino 7 (it's OK in RH 8 ).

          The good news is we have a workaround which will be added to the published 6.2 build soon.

          Once again, thank you for bringing this to our attention!


          • #6
            The build has been updated, feel free to re-download and test it:


            • #7
              Thank you. I will test it on Monday. I'll let you know.

