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Edge softening not rendered

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  • Edge softening not rendered

    Hi! Vray doesn't detect the edge softening property in rhino. It works in Rhino 7. Hope it's not very hard to solve thanks!

  • #2
    Hello Fran_Drama,
    Please check which V-Ray version you have currently installed in V-Ray > Help > About.
    Make sure to update to the latest 6.20.02 release if this is not the version you are using. You can download it here.

    Also, try setting higher softening values as a test, so the changes would be more apparent.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	soft_edges.jpg
Views:	150
Size:	254.5 KB
ID:	1201602
    Natalia Gruzdova |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for answering.

      I have the latest version of each program so I think that's not the problem.

      I can see the softening in the viewport but it doesn´t render.


      • #4
        Thank you for the screenshot.
        It seems that you have somehow installed V-Ray for Rhino 7 version on your Rhino 8 version.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	1201500_rhino8.jpg
Views:	156
Size:	204.4 KB
ID:	1201730

        Therefore please try to uninstall V-Ray and perform clean installation following the steps in documentation here.
        If there are still some issues or discrepancies please open a ticket to our Tech Support team using our contact form​ and make sure to select Technical Assistance Starting the Product under Request type so they could assist you.​
        Natalia Gruzdova |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

