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Material overriden on excluded objects from clipping plane

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  • Material overriden on excluded objects from clipping plane


    I have a Clipping Plane that allows me to cut a building. However, for the rest of the model, I picked objects I wanted to exclude from being clipped.
    They get rendered, but everything that is above the clipping plane gets a different material. I don't undertand where it might come from.

    Here is an example: every excluded object above the clipping plane gets this material:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot.png
Views:	186
Size:	1,020.0 KB
ID:	1210605​

    Do you know what could be the cause of this behaviour? And how to solve it?

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Hello, ressources_architectes ,

    Which is the V-Ray and Rhino version you are using?
    I am not able to reproduce this behavior so far. It would help if you can share with us the scene or part of it exhibiting the issue. You can do this by packing your project from the Rhino menu > V-Ray > Pack Project and share the archive here, in a private message or through​ mentioning the link to the Forum thread in the message.

    Thank you in advance!

    Kind regards,
    Iva Mancheva
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA

