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Missing options in Material Properties ?

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  • Missing options in Material Properties ?


    It seems there is a missing option in the material properties (Under the "reflection" tab). There should be an option for "Use Interpolation" as seen here:

    Has this option moved somewhere else ? (I might have missed it)

    Also, what is the current "exit color" ?


  • #2
    Missing options in Material Properties ?

    You don't miss that option, interpolated glossies are a real pain. it's goal is ti use an IR map like approach for speeding up glossies, at a cost of some detail (just like IR map compared to QMC GI).

    If I see your tests, aiming for max quality and physical correctness, you will not benefit from interpolated glossies. It will only create confusion and extra parameters in which you can get lost.

    It's probably just a personal preference, but I'm not really a fan of interpolated glossies as you can see Yet another settings you must do test renders for. While with normal glossies, you simply know if you use high enough subs it will be ok and correct.
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    • #3
      Missing options in Material Properties ?

      That is something that is not available to us via the VRaySDK at this time
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group

