Just opening an old scene will render black. If we create something from scratch, it iseems to work.
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Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
have you checked your options? Are they all empty?
Sometimes I've noticed that if VRay for Rhino isn't the renderer when a file is opened, the settings are not properly set. Could this be the case?Best regards,
Joe Bacigalupa
Chaos Group
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
Hi Joe,
I double-checked all the options. It seems that the camera settings (DOF) were off (some were reset to zero) and also the color mapping settings were off (the bright multiplier was at 0).
However, even after correcting the settings, it still renders black (at least the scenes that I tried)
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
ok, could you download a program for me? its called dependency walker http://www.dependencywalker.com/ There is a link to download it halfway down that page if you could get the latest version.
After you have installed that, run depends.exe and go to file->open. Navigate to where VRayForRhino.rhp is ( you will have to specifically look for *.rhp because depends looks for dlls and ocx files...an rhp is just a dll but renamed to an rhp)
Then if you could tell me which file names show up in red, I think I could possibly solve this problem. The OpenNURBS and Rhino3.exe are the only acceptable ones to show up in red.Best regards,
Joe Bacigalupa
Chaos Group
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
ok I see what happened, I overlooked something when I was hooking up the new VRaySDK... I apologize greatly for the inconveniance... We'll have a new build up for download in about 20 minutesBest regards,
Joe Bacigalupa
Chaos Group
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
Originally posted by joebok I see what happened, I overlooked something when I was hooking up the new VRaySDK... I apologize greatly for the inconveniance... We'll have a new build up for download in about 20 minutes
I guess I will skip the download for now, unless you still want me to.
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
V-Ray for Rhino Beta 10 is reposted and ready for
download. Just make sure you write over the old RAR file.
The archive has the same name.
Sorry for the trouble. Please be sure to read the readme!
CoreyBest regards,
Corey Rubadue
Chaos Group
Beta 10: Old scenes will not render (Black screen)
Seems to work well now.
Thank you for the fix !
The interface feels a lot more snappy and of course I like the non modal VFB quite a bit !
The grayed out portion of the interface are a welcomed feature.
One little detail right off hand ... in the reconstruction parameters of the light cache the "filter" pulldown jumps from place to place depending on the option chosen (it is kind of cute that way, but it would probably be best to stay put).