I'm doing renders of a huge file with several different color schemes.
Due to the big size and that the project can easily be divided in zones, I used Rhino blocks and some complex repeating objects as V-Ray Proxies inserted as blocks.
My plan was to use standardized material names between the different color schemes and then import a file with the a color scheme materials into the scene to change all the materials at once.
I created small example files to check if it would work, I join these here: materials-in-blocks example.zip
How it works is simple;
-open the "MainScene.3dm" file
-the two files RGB.3dm and CMY.3dm are linked as external blocks.
-In RGB.3dm there are these materials: Material1, Material2 and Material3
-In CMY.3dm there are these materials: Material4, Material5 and Material6
If we do a render the result is this:

Now, if I import the file "Material set 2.3dm", all the materials are replaced (if I answer yes to the dialog that pops up) and the resulting render is that:

Perfect! I can switch back to the other set of materials by re-opening the file "MainScene.3dm" or by importing the file "Material set 1.3dm". The result is:

That's exactly the behaviour I want but I am encountering some problems. I don't know if it's because my file is bigger or what but this method doesn't work, the materials don't get updated.
-Sometimes the dialog box that asks me if I want to discard, overwrite, etc the material doesn't show up.
-Sometimes the material is overwritten correctly and it renders correctly in the Material Editor but it renders as the previous one (the one defined in the linked block file). Like if there was two materials with the same name in the file.
-For this to work reliably, I have to open each linked file independently, apply the desired materials by importing the corresponding color scheme file, opening the main scene file, answering "overwrite materials" and then importing again the desired color scheme file because we can't be sure which material is overwritten.
So there's something not working correctly in the way materials are assigned and gets overwritten. Is there some work being done in this area? I'm using currently 24575.
Due to the big size and that the project can easily be divided in zones, I used Rhino blocks and some complex repeating objects as V-Ray Proxies inserted as blocks.
My plan was to use standardized material names between the different color schemes and then import a file with the a color scheme materials into the scene to change all the materials at once.
I created small example files to check if it would work, I join these here: materials-in-blocks example.zip
How it works is simple;
-open the "MainScene.3dm" file
-the two files RGB.3dm and CMY.3dm are linked as external blocks.
-In RGB.3dm there are these materials: Material1, Material2 and Material3
-In CMY.3dm there are these materials: Material4, Material5 and Material6
If we do a render the result is this:
Now, if I import the file "Material set 2.3dm", all the materials are replaced (if I answer yes to the dialog that pops up) and the resulting render is that:
Perfect! I can switch back to the other set of materials by re-opening the file "MainScene.3dm" or by importing the file "Material set 1.3dm". The result is:
That's exactly the behaviour I want but I am encountering some problems. I don't know if it's because my file is bigger or what but this method doesn't work, the materials don't get updated.
-Sometimes the dialog box that asks me if I want to discard, overwrite, etc the material doesn't show up.
-Sometimes the material is overwritten correctly and it renders correctly in the Material Editor but it renders as the previous one (the one defined in the linked block file). Like if there was two materials with the same name in the file.
-For this to work reliably, I have to open each linked file independently, apply the desired materials by importing the corresponding color scheme file, opening the main scene file, answering "overwrite materials" and then importing again the desired color scheme file because we can't be sure which material is overwritten.
So there's something not working correctly in the way materials are assigned and gets overwritten. Is there some work being done in this area? I'm using currently 24575.