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  • visRenderBlowup

    Can somebody please explain the difference between the following 3 functions?

    1) Right click on the Render button (does a region render based on the override resolution setting) (however with the latest release this function is broken)
    2) Region render in the frame buffer (does a region render based on the override resolution setting)
    3) visRenderBlowup (does a region render based on the override resolution setting).

    They all seem to do the same thing....

    However, what i understand of visRenderBlowup, is that it will "blow up" the area that you wish to render to the overridden resolution.
    Example.----- I have a pair of headphones that i wish to render. The override resolution is set to 3000 x 3000 pixels. If i use visRenderBlowup and select a small area around the headphone jack, will this blow up that area to 3000 x 3000 pixels? The feature implies that it does this , however it doesn't


  • #2
    1.- Command is renderwindow: It will render the region you select at viewport resolution. It works in my render right click button. If it doesn't edit the button it and enter: !_renderinwindow pause enter
    2.- Handy to re-render only the area in red that you select in the frame buffer
    3.- Like 1 but it will render at the resolution that you have set in the output vray setting which can be different from your viewport resolution. It doesn't blow up to fill the output size. So your viewport might be, say 1000x1000 (check the size in Rhino viewport properties to find out) but your vray output size is set to 3000x3000. Renderwindow would render a portion of the 1000x1000 image whereas visRenderBlowup would render the same region but from a 3000x3000 image. Very useful if you need to "patch" a rendering that you have saved but it's no longer in the frame buffer. If the image is still in the buffer, you would use no 2 method and save the result.
    Last edited by palosanto; 28-08-2015, 09:46 PM.
    3D Visualization for the Marine Industry

