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Object share in render mode problem

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  • Object share in render mode problem

    Ok, not sure if problem isn't coming from Rhino tho.

    Activating render view from _Set object shading attributes I can see the texture properly only if the Mapping widget is equal or bigger than my model. If my widget is smaller, it does not appear repetitive as it should. Any thoughts? Thanks so much

    Click image for larger version

Name:	tm smaller.PNG
Views:	406
Size:	257.3 KB
ID:	998910

    Bellow the textures shows well as the mapping widget is not smaller than my object:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	tm bbox.PNG
Views:	419
Size:	351.3 KB
ID:	998911

  • #2
    Ok, the problem comes from Vray.
    I have assigned simple Rhino material and render mode shows of texture perfectly with smaller than the object size mapping widget. Wonder how more people didn't complain about this BUG.
    _Set object shading attributes in Render mode is essential for determining the texture size for design and manufacturing purposes.


    • #3
      And the texture placement from vray is different from texture placement from rhino with same mapping widget! Totally unreliable. Mission impossible. I failed again

      I posted this problem 6 days ago- no answer and it takes 5 clicks to reproduce the problem..

      I'll do it in Cinema4D


      • #4

        We were not able to reproduce the issue you are having. Please provide some additional info which could shed more light on its cause:

        - Is the texture placement type in V-Ray set to, Environment?
        - Is the problem fixed once placement type is set back to 2D (UV Chanenl)?

        - Full Rhino version number
        - Full V-Ray for Rhino version number and date (can be found in V-Ray > Help > About)
        - Is this reproducible if the V-Ray plugin is disabled?
        - Is it reproducible reliably (on every attempt)?

        Originally posted by kostenurka View Post
        And the texture placement from vray is different from texture placement from rhino with same mapping widget! Totally unreliable. Mission impossible. I failed again
        The V-Ray and Rhino texture mapping controls can be used simultaneously but they are not synchronized together, e.g. changing a UV repeat value in V-Ray modifies the texture itself and does not update the UVW repeat in Rhino. Changing the Rhino UVW repeat, on the other hand, further changes the mapping using the already modified texture provided by V-Ray. An illustration of what you are struggling to achieve would be helpful in order to provide you with proper explanation.

        Kind regards,
        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


        • #5
          I have a similar problem so I thought I would post it here rather than starting a new thread. I apologize if this was not a good idea.

          I have an ocean material whith a difuse layer for the color, bump map for the water waves and second diffuse white layer with an opacity map for the ship's wake foam on a different mapping channel.
          The problem is the inconsistency between the viewport display, the rendered image and the vray tiling parameters.
          On the first image, in order to achieve a correct render, tiling needs to be enabled (which shouldn't) but then the viewport displays tiled.
          On the second image, disabling tiling displays correctly in the viewport (as expected) but the rendering doesn't.
          So although couter intuitive, I must leave tiling on to render correctly and put up with a tiled viewport ....

          I recall a similar problem years back with vray 2.0 which it was fixed after i reported it to Chaosgroup support. It was fixed in version 2.0.26400 in Oct 2015.

          By the way I tried also reverting the vray settings to defaults with the same results.

          V-Ray version: 3.60.02
          Rhino 5 SR14 64-bit (5.14.522.8390, 5/22/2017)

          Click image for larger version  Name:	tiled.jpg Views:	1 Size:	190.9 KB ID:	1000723Click image for larger version  Name:	untiled.jpg Views:	1 Size:	164.7 KB ID:	1000722

          EDIT: The above behavior is with CPU rendering. I tried with GPU and the results are different but still not correct:

          GPU with Tiling off: Viewport displays single tile as expected but rendering transparency is wrong:

          Click image for larger version  Name:	GPU-non-tiled.jpg Views:	1 Size:	160.8 KB ID:	1000732

          GPU with Tiling on: Viewport and rendering, both display tiling (expected since tiling is on) but note that with CPU rendering (above) tiling needed to be on to get the proper result with only one tile and whole ocean blue.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	GPU-tiled.jpg Views:	1 Size:	116.4 KB ID:	1000733

          Last edited by palosanto; 20-06-2018, 10:54 AM.

          3D Visualization for the Marine Industry


          • #6
            I don't know if this would be considered the same bug:

            At our office we have an issue where the displayed UVW mapping within the viewport is static.
            Unless we activate the mapping widget.
            By unselecting the mapping widget again, the uvw mapping returns to the prior static display, as if nothing was changed.

            The render does however change.
            (It's just not visible within the viewport)

            If a fix or guide for this issue has been made, we would deeply appreciate it!


            • #7
              N+P This behavior was found to occur without the V-Ray plugin as well.

              Changes to texture mapping while in Rendered viewport mode may not occur until you force them by transforming the object (by moving/rotating/scaling).

              Could you please confirm which Rhino version you are using? So far it seems to be a Rhino 6 issue only.


              • #8
                We are using the newest Rhino SR release.
                We have also tried the the newest SRC (6.6.18168.12081) without any luck.
                Indeed, as you mention, the mapping does not occur in the viewport until forced via object transformation.
                And you are also right, we did not have this issue with Rhino 5.


                • #9
                  palosanto Sidenote: Today I found this free waves with 3D model. Maybe something for you too.

         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Micha View Post
                    palosanto Sidenote: Today I found this free waves with 3D model. Maybe something for you too.

                    Thanks Micha !
                    3D Visualization for the Marine Industry

