I apologize if this has been explained before ...
Linear workflow has been always a big mistery to me because I suppose I've never put enough effort to fully understand it.
When I load a scene created in vray 2 and I look at the materials, vray 3 enables linear workflow automatically in the material 'advanced Options' tab to compensate for the difference in color.
The color with LWF has always a more saturated hue than the color swatch:

So in scenes created in version 2 the colors will look more washed out when rendered in vray 3 unless LW is enabled in the materials.
The problem I'm having is when I'm trying to recreate an identical material that looks like the original created in vray 2 without having to enable LW. When I create a material from a 'generic' template, LW is not enabled and I want top keep it that way. How do I figure out the RGB difuse color that will render with the same hue saturation as in version 2 and so that the color swatch matches the more intense color in the material preview of the second example.? Is there some kind of formula to calculate the RGB values or do I need to rely on a visual approximation?
Should I use the "rendering (RGB)" color space values of the old material to create a new material entering them as "screen (sRGB)" color space? Is this the conversion that I'm looking for?
Linear workflow has been always a big mistery to me because I suppose I've never put enough effort to fully understand it.
When I load a scene created in vray 2 and I look at the materials, vray 3 enables linear workflow automatically in the material 'advanced Options' tab to compensate for the difference in color.
The color with LWF has always a more saturated hue than the color swatch:
So in scenes created in version 2 the colors will look more washed out when rendered in vray 3 unless LW is enabled in the materials.
The problem I'm having is when I'm trying to recreate an identical material that looks like the original created in vray 2 without having to enable LW. When I create a material from a 'generic' template, LW is not enabled and I want top keep it that way. How do I figure out the RGB difuse color that will render with the same hue saturation as in version 2 and so that the color swatch matches the more intense color in the material preview of the second example.? Is there some kind of formula to calculate the RGB values or do I need to rely on a visual approximation?
Should I use the "rendering (RGB)" color space values of the old material to create a new material entering them as "screen (sRGB)" color space? Is this the conversion that I'm looking for?