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Help Needed Please

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  • Help Needed Please

    I am trying to render this jewelry.

    I have an infinite plain, I created a generic material with the following diffuse properties (set to bitmap with UVW = UVWGenEnvironment -Screen). This generic material is applied on my infinite plain.

    I have tried to render with the Models but I noticed that the background picture somehow cuts through my model, It does not stay at the back ( I do not know how to explain this).

    I have attached pictures of 50% render for you to see. Any one with any useful information on how to make this perfect. will be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Hello myteax ,

    Please attempt the following workflow:
    Instead of the Infinite Plane (which should be removed), insert the texture in the Background slot in V-Ray Asset Editor > Settings > Environment. In the texture settings, change the Texture Placement to Environment and Screen.
    Enable the GI, Reflection, Refraction and Secondary Matte under the Background setting and do the same for them, however, instead of Screen, select Spherical for example.
    This should produce the desired result without the "transparency" issue.

    Another addition to this workflow, which I would like to suggest, is to create a simple geometrical plane under the rings. Add a Matte Shadow Receiver material (Material Library > Materials > Diagramatic) and apply it do the newly created plane. What is left is to choose another material with similar color to the one where the rings are placed upon and add it to the Matte Shadow Receiver's Base material slot. This step will allow the assets to cast shadows.

    Please try this workaround and let me know if it produced the expected result for you.
    Zahari Ivanov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi Zahari.Ivanov

      Thank you for your suggestion. I tried it and it worked but just one thing.

      The Silver on the metal is not reflecting silver anymore. It is dark and do not know what to do - kindly find attached.


      • #4
        Hi myteax
        This is most likely happening due to the image placed in the slots for GI, Reflection, Refraction and Secondary Matte might not be suitable for this purpose (Spherical). In this case I would like to make the following suggestion:
        Right-click on the texture slots and Clear them. In one of them (GI for example), select a Bitmap and navigate to C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros. There, you will find a file called RhinoDefault.exr. Select it, simply set it to Spherical and then copy it to the other slots.

        Please let me know if this produces a correct result now.
        Zahari Ivanov |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

