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  • Lights

    Hi ya

    I'm trying to light a scene and have been using an omni or vray shpere to create the bulb but I'm not getting brightness. I imported a lamp from a scene which I didn't make and with the same settings it is vastly brighter and takes half the time to render. What Am I doing wrong?

    2 images are screen shots of the 2 light rendered so you can see settings, results and render times.


  • #2
    The size of the spheres is totally different,it could be that this is the reason. I'm not sure about the unit "lumens" maybe it's an unit dependent from the light source area. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Hi Micha

      Yeah that's the strange thing. If I scale it up it is no brighter but I entered the size on both to be the same. If you notice in the images all the parameters are the same but the result is very different.

      As for lumen power 1000 lumen is about 60w and as you can see that is not happening with the sphere I added.



      • #4
        Maybe some one from the Chaosgroup can help here. I found an other effect like this - a spot light and the light intensity depends on the shadow radius. I don't like this kind of dependency, it can cause extra adjustment work. ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Ah great, thanks I'll give that a go


          • #6
            Hi ya

            Tried finding a shadow radius and that's not an option. Literally every single setting I have made the same and the light I install myself does not emit light correctly.

            In the image attached I have both lights at 1000 lumen and both around the same size but the difference in effect is very obvious. One is in the lamp on the right and the other hovering over the table.



            • #7
              Originally posted by shapebubble View Post
              Tried finding a shadow radius and that's not an option.
              I mean that I have seen an equal effect at the spot light. Right, at the sphere light there is no radius. But you have seen at your first post images that the model size of your sphere lights is different? Try to use the same size.
     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Hi Micha

                Correct at first I tried to enter the size to match the settings of the brighter light so that every setting was the same and as you quite rightly pointed out the size was different in reality. In the last render I made the size physically similar and left all the settings the same but as you can see from both renders I am having a problem with the amount of light the sphere is emitting.

                Based on the fact that I have tried renders with identical settings and renders with identical settings bar the size I would say that the size of the sphere does not effect the amount of light. It still remains in both renders that the power of the light does not reflect reality and I can't work out why.

