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Any way to join lights?

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  • Any way to join lights?

    Hi everyone, I've got a ceiling light design that incorporates hundreds of little leds. As soon as I copy this model into a scene it immediately crashes it (I'm having to copy rather than insert as a block because v ray lights don't come through with blocks). Is there any way to merge multiple sphere lights into one lights rather than hundred showing up in the asset editor. Interestingly in the original file I made with just one of these chadeliers I specified the location of the lights by arraying one and then using the gumball to duplicate them, using this method every light shows up as one light in the asset editor but as soon as the model is copied into a new file one light becomes hundreds. Any help would be really appreciated

  • #2
    Hi danjarvis8,

    Originally posted by danjarvis8 View Post
    ... nterestingly in the original file I made with just one of these chadeliers I specified the location of the lights by arraying one and then using the gumball to duplicate them, using this method every light shows up as one light in the asset editor but as soon as the model is copied into a new file one light becomes hundreds. Any help would be really appreciated
    What you've described is actually the expected behavior.

    We do handle light instancing completely in V-Ray since it's not supported in Rhino.
    When you Alt+Copy a light or when you do an array we make sure that the resulting lights are instances.
    At the same time we wanted to allow unique light copies to be created.
    This is currently done by copy-pasting a light.

    Unfortunately, when you copy and paste something in another file, the same logic kicks in and generates unique copies.
    That's where the problem lies - we never thought of this case.

    I'll log it in our bug tracking system and hopefully we'll find an elegant solution.

    Thank you for reporting it,


    • #3
      Thank you for your response,
      I'm currently experimenting with making a workable v ray proxy scene consisting of arrays of the chandelier design, this seemed to be working for individual point lights but now that I'm arraying groups of rhino geometry and point light instances rhino is slowing down again. If there is a solve for this please let me know. Thanks for your help

