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How to make object invisible to camera?

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  • How to make object invisible to camera?

    Is there a way to make an object invisible to the camera, while retaining its material properties ie. how it effects lighting and so on?

    A very common technique in lighting interiors is to use essentially a big reflector that has a simple material with a color. Often you need to place it in such a way that it would be partly visible by the camera. I can only find an option to toggle the visibility, but it basically just completely removes the object from the Vray render.

    Is that possible with Rhino? I know its possible in most other 3D software I have used (3DS Max, Cinema4D, Maya, etc).

  • #2
    I would use the "Add Attribute" below the material preview and "Raytrace Properties", where you can control the visibility. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Micha thanks so much, that's working perfectly


      • #4
        Great that it works.

        Maybe something for the future - an other nice way to hide objects, but without to touch materials is to use a clipping plane in include mode and to hide the pre-selected objects. So, the visibility state of several objects of a scene can be switched by turning the clipping plane on/off. ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Hi guys,

          It is also possible for us to implement some kind of object properties that control this.
          Imagine a new checkbox that disables Primary Visibility for example available in the V-Ray object properties panel.
          Would that work better?
          The object properties can also be presented as something you can assign to multiple objects (like fur or clipper).
          This way you'll be able to control visibility of multiple objects at once.



          • #6
            Great!!! I like object properties.
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              konstantin_chaos that would be amazing. Also could we have the same for Proxy Scenes, where we can access the object properties of the objects in the scene and show/hide individual children of the scene. That would be incredible.

